2019 Table of Contents
(page xix)
JOM Abstracts
(page xxiii)
Design for Additive Manufacturing: Simplification of Product Architecture by Part Consolidation for the Lifecycle
Samyeon Kim, Yunlong Tang, and David W. Rosen
(page 3)
An Open-Architecture Multi-Laser Research Platform for Acceleration of Large-Scale Additive Manufacturing (ALSAM)
William Carter, Michael Tucker, Michael Mahony, David Toledano, Robert Butler, Subhrajit Roychowdhury, Abdalla R. Nassar, David J. Corbin, Mark D. Benedict, and Adam S. Hicks
(page 13)
Large-Scale Identification of Parts Suitable for Additive Manufacturing: An Industry Perspective
Jacob J. Shepherd and Nicholas A. Meisel
(page 33)
Implementation of 3D Printer in the Hands-On Material Processing Course: An Educational Paper
B. Silwal
(page 45)
Conceptual Design for Additive Manufacturing: Lessons Learned from an Undergraduate Course
Scott M. Thompson
(page 56)
An Empirical Study Linking Additive Manufacturing Design Process to Success in Manufacturability
Priyesh Mehta, Catherine G.P.Berdanier, Manoj Malviya, Colin Miller, and Guha Manogharan
(page 66)
Investigating the Gap between Research and Practice in Additive Manufacturing
Jennifer Bracken, Zachary Bentley, James Meyer, Erik Miller, Kathryn W. Jablokow, Timothy W. Simpson, and Nicholas A. Meisel
(page 80)
Influence of Drop Velocity and Droplet Spacing on the Equilibrium Saturation Level in Binder Jetting
Trenton Colton, Joseph Liechty, Alden McLean, and Nathan Crane
(page 99)
Process Integrated Production of WC-Co Tools with Local Cobalt Gradient Fabricated by Binder Jetting
Maja Lehmann and Michael F. Zaeh
(page 109)
The Effect of Print Speed on Surface Roughness and Density Uniformity of Parts Produced Using Binder Jet 3D Printing
K. Myers, A. Paterson, T. Iizuka, and A. Klein
(page 122)
Experimental Investigation of Fluid-Particle Interaction in Binder Jet 3D Printing
Joshua J. Wagner, Hang Shu, Rahul Kilambi, and C. Fred Higgs III
(page 134)
Binder Saturation, Layer Thickness, Drying Time and Their Effects on Dimensional Tolerance and Density of Cobalt Chrome - Tricalcium Phosphate Biocomposite
John Ruprecht, Kuldeep Agarwal, and Shaheen Ahmed
(page 148)
Predicting and Controlling the Thermal Part History in Powder Bed Fusion Using Neural Networks
Holger Merschroth, Michael Kniepkamp, and Matthias Weigold
(page 161)
‘Seeing’ the Temperature inside the Part during the Powder Bed Fusion Process
Nathaniel Wood and David J. Hoelzle
(page 172)
Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks for In-Situ Layerwise Addiive Manufacturing Data
Christian Gobert, Edel Arrieta, Adrian Belmontes, Ryan B. Wicker, Francisco Medina, and Brandon McWilliams
(page 192)
In-Situ Layer-Wise Quality Monitoring for Laser-Based Additive Manufacturing Using Image Series Analysis
Mehrnaz Noroozi Esfahani, Linkan Bian, and Wenmeng Tian
(page 202)
Applications of Supervised Machine Learning Algorithms in Additive Manufacturing: A Review
M.S. Joshi, A. Flood, T. Sparks, and F.W. Liou
(page 213)
Real-Time 3D Surface Measurement in Additive Manufacturing Using Deep Learning
Chenang Liu, Rongxuan Wang, Zhenyu Kong, Suresh Babu, Chase Joslin, and James Ferguson
(page 225)
Roughness Parameters for Classification of As-Built and Laser Post-Processed Additive Manufactured Surfaces
B. Richter, N. Blanke, C. Werner, F. Vollertsen, and F.E. Pfefferkorn
(page 238)
Application of the Fog Computing Paradigm to Additive Manufacturing Process Monitoring and Control
Muhammad Adnan, Yan Lu, Al Jones, and Fan Tien Cheng
(page 254)
Spectral X-ray CT for Fast NDT Using Discrete Tomography
D. Kamilis, S. Lee, J. Desjardins, and N. Polydorides
(page 268)
Part Remanufacturing Using Hybird Manufacturing Processes
Xinchang Zhang and Frank Liou
(page 281)
Integration Challenges with Additive/Subtractive In-Envelope Hybrid Manufacturing
Matthew C. Frank, Jakob Croghan, Samantha Larson, and Logan Beguhn
(page 294)
Robot-Based Hybrid Manufacturing Process Chain
Christian Baier and Matthias Weigold
(page 301)
Integrated Hardfacing of Stellite-6 Using Hybrid Manufacturing Process
M. Praniewicz, T. Feldhausen, S. Kersten, J. Berez, E. Jost, T. Kurfess, and C. Saldana
(page 314)
Inkjet Printing of Geometrically Optimized Electrodes for Lithium-Ion Cells: A Concept for a Hybrid Process Chain
Cara G. Kolb, Harish R. Mareddy, Florian J. Guenter, and Michael F. Zaeh
(page 328)
Ultrasonic Embedding of Continuous Carbon Fiber into 3D Printed Thermoplastic Parts
Kazi Md Masum Billah, Jose L. Coronel Jr., Sarah Chacon, Ryan B. Wicker, and David Espalin
(page 344)
Comparison of Fatigue Performance between Additively Manufactured and Wrought 304L Stainless Steel Using a Novel Fatigue Test Setup
M.M. Parvez, Y. Chen, J.W. Newkirk, and F.F. Liou
(page 353)
Elevated Temperature Mechanical and Microstructural Characterization of SLM SS304L
G.R. Hecht, S.P. Isanaka, and J.W. Newkirk
(page 364)
Fatigue Behavior of Additive Manufactured 304L Stainless Steel Including Surface Roughness Effects
Seungjong Lee, Jonathan Pegues, and Nima Shamsaei
(page 376)
Joining of Copper and Stainless Steel 304L Using Direct Metal Deposition
Xinchang Zhang, Yitao Chen, Tan Pan, Wenyuan Cui, Lan Li, and Frank Liou
(page 388)
SS410 Process Development and Characterization
D.M. Vaughan, A. Nycz, M.W. Noakes, and C. Masuo
(page 404)
Effect of Preheating Build Platform on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Additively Manufactured 316L Stainless Steel
P.D. Nezhadfar, Arash Soltani-Tehrani, and Nima Shamsaei
(page 415)
Characterisation of Austenitic 316LSi Stainless Steel Produced by Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing with Interlayer Cooling
C.R. Cunningham, J. Wang, V. Dhokia, A. Shrokani, and S.T. Newman
(page 426)
Effects of Spatial Energy Distribution on Defects and Fracture of LPBF 316L Stainless Steel
Elliott Jost, John Miers, Aron Robinson, David Moore, and Christopher Saldana
(page 440)
Environmental Effects on the Stress Corrosion Cracking Behavior of an Additively Manufactured Stainless Steel
Jonathan Pegues, Michael Roach, R. Scott Williamson, and Nima Shamsaei
(page 455)
Effect of Powder Chemical Composition on Microstructures and Mechanical Properties of L-PBF Processed 17-4 PH Stainless Steel in the As-Built And Hardened-H900 Conditions
S. Vunnam, S. Dobson, A. Saboo, D. Frankel, C. Sudbrack, and T.L. Starr
(page 463)
Powder Variation and Mechanical Properties for SLM 17-4 PH Stainless Steel
Sean Dobson, Swathi Vunnam, Dana Frankel, Chantal Sudbrack, and Thomas Starr
(page 478)
Fatigue Life Prediction of Additive Manufactured Materials Using a Defect Sensitive Model
Muztahid Muhammad, Patricio E. Carrion, and Nima Shamsaei
(page 494)
Evaluating the Corrosion Performance of Wrought and Additively Manufactured (AM) Invar ® and 17-4PH
I.S. Grech, N. Wint, S. Mehraban, J. Sullivan, and N. Lavery
(page 503)
Comparison of Rotating-Bending and Axial Fatigue Behaviors of LB-PBF 316L Stainless Steel
Rakish Shrestha, Jutima Simsiriwong, and Nima Shamsaei
(page 515)
A Study of Pore Formation during Single Layer and Multiple Layer Build by Selective Laser Melting
Subin Shrestha, Thomas Starr, and Kevin Chou
(page 522)
Dimensional Analysis of Metal Powder Infused Filament - Low Cost Metal 3D Printing
Shane Terry, Ismail Fidan, and Khalid Tantawi
(page 533)
Additive Manufacturing of Fatigue Resistant Materials: Avoiding the Early Life Crack Initiation Mechanisms during Fabrication
Jonathan Pegues, Michael Roach, and Nima Shamsaei
(page 542)
Additive Manufacturing of High Gamma Prime Nickel Based Superalloys through Selective Laser Melting (SLM)
Amrita Basak
(page 554)
Investigating the Build Consistency of a Laser Powder Bed Fused Nickel-Based Superalloy, Using the Small Punch Technique
B. Haigh, R.J. Lancaster, R. Johnston, M. White, and J. Minshull
(page 576)
Fatigue Behavior of Laser Beam Directed Energy Deposited Inconel 718 at Elevated Temperature
Alexander S. Johnson, Rakish Shrestha, P.D. Nezhadfar, and Nima Shamsaei
(page 584)
Very High Cycle Fatigue Behavior of Laser Beam-Powder Bed Fused Inconel 718
Palmer Frye, Muztahid Muhammad, Jutima Simsiriwong, and Nima Shamsaei
(page 591)
Analysis of Fatigue Crack Evolution Using In-Situ Testing
Hassan Alqahtani, Eric Keller, Asok Ray, and Amrita Basak
(page 600)
An Aluminum-Lithium Alloy Produced by Laser Powder Bed Fusion
Yang Qi, Hu Zhang, Haihong Zhu, Xiaojia Nie, and Xiaoyan Zeng
(page 609)
Wire-Arc Additive Manufacturing: Invar Deposition Characterization
J. Fowler, A. Nycz, M. Noakes, C. Masuo, and D. Vaughan
(page 616)
Study on the Formability, Microstructures and Mechanical Properties of Alcrcufeniᵪ High-Entropy Alloys Prepared by Selective Laser Melting
Shuncun Luo, Zemin Wang, and Xiaoyan Zeng
(page 625)
Laser-Assisted Surface Defects and Pore Reduction of Additive Manufactured Titanium Parts
Zabihollah Ahmadi, Seungjong Lee, Nima Shamsaei, and Masoud Mahjouri-Samani
(page 636)
Fatigue Behavior of LB-PBF Ti-6Al-4V Parts under Mean Stress and Variable Amplitude Loading Conditions
Patricio Carrion and Nima Shamsaei
(page 646)
Influence of Powder Particle Size Distribution on the Printability of Pure Copper for Selective Laser Melting
M. Sinico, G. Cogo, M. Benettoni, I. Calliari, and A. Pepato
(page 657)
Investigation of the Oxygen Content of Additively Manufactured Tool Steel 1.2344
R. Dörfert, J. Zhang, B. Clausen, H. Freiße, J. Schumacher, and F. Vollertsen
(page 668)
The Porosity and Mechanical Properties of H13 Tool Steel Processed by High-Speed Selective Laser Melting
Takaya Nagahama, Takashi Mizoguchi, Makiko Yonehara, and Hideki Kyogoku
(page 677)
Feasibility Analysis of Utilizing Maraging Steel in a Wire Arc Additive Process for High-Strength Tooling Applications
Christopher Masuo, Andrzej Nycz, Mark W. Noakes, Derek Vaughan, and Niyanth Sridharan
(page 684)
Investigation and Control of Weld Bead at Both Ends in WAAM
Shangyong Tang, Guilan Wang, Cheng Huang, and Haiou Zhang
(page 693)
Process Parameter Optimization to Improve the Mechanical Properties of Arburg Plastic Freeformed Components
A. Hirsch, F. Hecker, and E. Moritzer
(page 705)
Impact Strength of 3D Printed Polyether-Ether-Ketone (PEEK)
Haijun Gong, Xiaodong Xing, and Jan Nel
(page 715)
Mechanical Performance of Laser Sintered Poly(Ether Ketone Ketone) (PEKK)
L. Benedetti, B. Brulé, N. Decraemer, R. Davies, K. Evans, and O. Ghita
(page 721)
Influence of Part Microstructure on Mechanical Properties of PA6X Laser Sintered Specimens
C. Kummert, W. Diekmann, K. Tews, and H.J. Schmid
(page 735)
Optimizing the Tensile Strength for 3D Printed PLA Parts
C. Novoa and A. Flores
(page 745)
Characterizing the Influence of Print Parameters on Porosity and Resulting Density
James Brackett, Dakota Cauthen, Justin Condon, Tyler Smith, Nidia Gallego, Vlastamil Kunc, and Chad Duty
(page 766)
Characterization of Polymer Powders for Selective Laser Sintering
J. Schmidt, M.A. Dechet, J.S. Gómez Bonilla, N. Hesse, A. Bück, and W. Peukert
(page 779)
Effect of Particle Rounding on the Processability of Polypropylene Powder and the Mechanical Properties of Selective Laser Sintering Produced Parts
Juan S. Gomez Bonilla, Robin Kletcher, Franz Lanyi, Dirk W. Schubert, Andreas Bück, Jochen Schmidt, and Wolfgang Peukert
(page 790)
Process Routes towards Novel Polybutylene Terephthalate – Polycarbonate Blend Powders for Selective Laser Sintering
J. Schmidt, M.A. Dechet, J.S. Gómez Bonilla, A. Bück, and W. Peukert
(page 799)
Impact of Flow Aid on the Flowability and Coalescence of Polymer Laser Sintering Powder
R.G. Kleijnen, M. Schmid, and K. Wegener
(page 806)
Curing and Infiltration Behavior of UV-Curing Thermosets for the Use in a Combined Laser Sintering Process of Polymers
J. Wudy
(page 818)
Relationship between Powder Bed Temperature and Microstructure of Laser Sintered PA12 Parts
T. Kigure, Y. Yamauchi, and T. Niino
(page 827)
Understanding the Influence of Energy-Density on the Layer Dependent Part Properties in Laser-Sintering of PA12
A. Wörz, K. Wudy, and D. Drummer
(page 835)
Tailoring Physical Properties of Shape Memory Polymers for FDM-Type Additive Manufacturing
Paulina A. Quiñonez, Diego Bermudez, Leticia Ugarte-Sanchez, and David A. Roberson
(page 843)
Investigation of The Processability of Different Peek Materials in the FDM Process with Regard to the Weld Seam Strength
Julian Wächter, Maike Elsner, and Elmar Moritzer
(page 856)
Stereolithography of Natural Rubber Latex, a Highly Elastic Material
S. Srisawadi, S. Lapapong, S. Dokkhan, and P. Wiroonpochit
(page 864)
Moisture Effects on Selective Laser Flash Sintering of Yttria-Stabilized Zirconia
Deborah Hagen, Alex Chen, Joseph J. Beaman, and Desiderio Kovar
(page 873)
Thermal Analysis of Thermoplastic Materials Filled with Chopped Fiber for Large Area 3D Printing
Kazi Md Masum Billah, Fernando A.R. Lorenzana, Nikki L. Martinez, Sarah Chacon, Ryan B. Wicker, and David Espalin
(page 892)
Thermal Analysis of 3D Printed Continuous Fiber Reinforced Thermoplastic Polymers for Automotive Applications
M. Mohammadizadeh and I. Fidan
(page 899)
Characterization of Laser Direct Deposited Magnesium Aluminate Spinel Ceramics
John M. Pappas and Xiangyang Dong
(page 907)
Towards a Micromechanics Model for Continuous Carbon Fiber Composite 3D Printed Parts
Adnan Abdullahi, Immanuella Kankam, Abhay Singh Gahloth, Bhavya Arora, Ankit Agarwal, Trevor Eppley, Ziyad Salti, Derek Goss, Raghav Sharma, and Dhruv Bhate
(page 924)
Shiferaw D. Beyene, Beshah Ayalew, and Srikanth Pilla
(page 939)
3D Printing of Compliant Passively Actuated 4D Structures
Dhileep Kumar Jayashankar, Sachin Sean Gupta, Loo Yi Ning Stella, and Kenneth Tracy
(page 948)
Effect of Process Parameters on Selective Laser Melting Al₂O₃-Al Cermet Material
Hailong Liao, Haihong Zhu, Junjie Zhu, Shijie Chang, and Xiaoyan Zeng
(page 960)
Strengthening of 304L Stainless Steel by Addition of Yttrium Oxide and Grain Refinement during Selective Laser Melting
Milad Ghayoor, Saereh Mirzababaei, Kijoon Lee, Yujuan He, Chih-hung Chang, Brian K. Paul, and Somayeh Pasebani
(page 967)
Approach to Defining the Maximum Filler Packing Volume Fraction in Laser Sintering on the Example of Aluminum-Filled Polyamide 12
A. Tarasova, A. Wegner, and G. Witt
(page 977)
Laser Sintering of Pine/Polylatic Acid Composites
Hui Zhang, David L. Bourell, Yanling Guo, Jian Li, Xiaodong Zhang, Yu Zhuang, and Zhipeng Li
(page 987)
Characterization of PLA/Lignin Biocomposites for 3D Printing
John Obielodan, Kevin Vergenz, and Danyal Aqil, Joseph Wu, and Laurel Mc Ellistrem
(page 998)
Electrical and Mechancial Properties of Fused Filament Fabrication of Polyamide 6 / Nanographene Filaments at Different Annealing Temperatures
J.S. Tate, R.P. Brushaber, E. Danielsen, H. Kallagunta, S.V. Navale, O. Arigbabowo, S. Shree, and A. Yaseer
(page 1008)
Manufacturing and Application of PA11-Glass Fiber Composite Particles for Selective Laser Sintering
Maximilian A. Dechet, Lydia Lanzl, Yannick Werner, Dietmar Drummer, Andreas Bück, Wolfgang Peukert, and Jochen Schmidt
(page 1022)
Manufacturing of Nanoparticle-Filled PA11 Composite Particles for Selective Laser Sintering
Maximilian A. Dechet, Lydia Lanzl, Alisa Wilden, Maria-Melanie Sattes, Dietmar Drummer, Wolfgang Peukert, and Jochen Schmidt
(page 1031)
Technique for Processing of Continuous Carbon Fibre Reinforced Peek for Fused Filament Fabrication
Jing Pu, Ehab Saleh, Ian Ashcroft, and Arthur Jones
(page 1041)
Processing and Characterization of 3D-Printed Polymer Matrix Composites Reinforced with Discontinuous Fibers
Ankit Gupta, Seymur Hasanov, and Ismail Fidan
(page 1054
Tailored Mo)dification of Flow Behavior and Processability of Polypropylene Powders in SLS by Fluidized Bed Coating with In-Situ Plasma Produced Silica Nanoparticles
Juan S. Gomez Bonilla, Holger Trzenschiok, Franz Lanyi, Dirk W. Schubert, Andreas Bück, Jochen Schmidt, and Wolfgang Peukert
(page 1067)
Analysis of Layer Arrangements of Aesthetic Dentures as a Basis for Introducing Additive Manufacturing
K. Pitz and R. Anderl
(page 1079)
Computer-Aided Process Planning for Wire Arc Directed Energy Deposition
Yi Xiong, Audelia Gumarus Dharmawan, Yunlong Tang, Gim Song Soh, and David William Rosen
(page 1094)
Multi-Material Process Planning for Additive Manufacturing
Steven Patrick, Andrzej Nycz, and Mark Noakes
(page 1106)
Creating Toolpaths without Starts and Stops for Extrusion-Based Systems
Alex Roschli, Brian Post, Phillip Chesser, Michael Borish, Lonnie Love, and Seokpum Kim
(page 1113)
Framework for Cad to Part of Large Scale Additive Manufacturing of Metal (LSAMM) in Arbitrary Directions
J. Logan McNeil, William R. Hamel, Joshua Penney, Andrzej Nycz, and Mark Noakes
(page 1126)
A Standardized Framework for Communicating and Modelling Parametrically Defined Mesostructure Patterns
G.T. Williams, J.F. O’Brien, A. Mezghani, M.J. Eachus, N.A. Meisel, and C.C. McComb
(page 1136)
A Universal Material Template for Multiscale Design and Modeling of Additive Manufacturing Processes
Yunlong Tang, Yi Xiong, Sang-in Park, and David W. Rosen
(page 1151)
Modeling Thermal Expansion of a Large Area Extrusion Deposition Additively Manufactured Parts Using a Non-Homogenized Approach
Dylan Hoskins, Seokpum Kim, Ahmed Hassen, John Lindahl, Vlastimil Kunc, and Chad Duty
(page 1165)
Localized Effect of Overhangs on Heat Transfer during Laser Powder Bed Fusion Additive Manufacturing
Basil J. Paudel and Scott M. Thompson
(page 1175
Melting Mode Thresholds in Laser Powder Bed Fusion and Their Application towards Process Parameter Development
S. Patel and M.L. Vlasea
(page 1190)
Computational Modelling and Experimental Validation of Single IN625 Line Tracks in Laser Powder Bed Fusion
J. Rosser, M. Megahed, H.-W. Mindt, S.G.R. Brown, and N.P. Lavery
(page 1200)
Validated Computational Modelling Techniques for Simulating Melt Pool Ejecta in Laser Powder Bed Fusion Processing
D. Butcher, S. Christie, S.G.R. Brown, and N.P. Lavery
(page 1216)
Numerical Simulation of the Temperature History for Plastic Parts in Fused Filament Fabrication (FFF) Process
D. Zeng, Matthew Rebandt, Giuseppe Lacaria, Ellen Lee, and Xuming Su
(page 1230)
Measurement and Analysis of Pressure Profile within Big Area Additive Manufacturing Single Screw Extruder
Jake Dvorak, Christine Ajinjeru, Tyler Smith, Seokpum Kim, Christopher Hershey, John Lindahl, Vlastimil Kunc, and Chad Duty
(page 1242)
Numerical Investigation of Extrusion-Based Additive Manufacturing for Process Parameter Planning in a Polymer Dispensing System
Haiyang He, Bo Cheng, Kaja Schmidt, Claudia Kruse, and Charles Tuffile
(page 1251)
Alternative Approach on an In-Situ Analysis of the Thermal Progression during the LPBF-M Process Using Welded Thermocouples Embedded into the Substrate Plate
N. Schnell, M. Siewert, S. Kleszczynski, G. Witt, and V. Ploshikhin
(page 1264)
Dynamic Defect Detection in Additively Manufactured Parts Using FEA Simulation
Kevin Johnson, Aimee Allen, Jason Blough, Andrew Barnard, David Labyak, Troy Hartwig, Ben Brown, David Soine, Tristan Cullom, Edward Kinzel, Douglas Bristow, and Robert Landers
(page 1281)
Simulation of Mutually Dependent Polymer Flow and Fiber Filled in Polymer Composite Deposition Additive Manufacturing
Z. Wang and D.E. Smith
(page 1297)
Simulation of Hybrid WAAM and Rotation Compression Forming Process
Xushan Zhao, Yuanxun Wang, Guilan Wang, and Haiou Zhang
(page 1310)
Dimensional Comparison of a Cold Spray Additive Manufacturing Simulation Tool
R.A. Murray, G. Foy, and L. Clemon
(page 1333)
Simulated Effect of Laser Beam Quality on the Robustness of Laser-Based AM System
Aaron Flood and Frank Liou
(page 1340)
A Strategy to Determine the Optimal Parameters for Producing High Density Part in Selective Laser Melting Process
Hong-Chuong Tran, Yu-Lung Lo, and Trong-Nhan Le
(page 1350)
Rheology and Applications of Particulate Composites in Additive Manufacturing
Bin Xia and Paul S. Krueger
(page 1353)
Computational Modeling of the Inert Gas Flow Behavior on Spatter Distribution in Selective Laser Melting
Xiaobing Zhang, Charles Tuffile, and Bo Cheng
(page 1362)
Prediction of Mechanical Properties of Fused Deposition Modeling Made Parts Using Multiscale Modeling and Classical Laminate Theory
A. Nasirov, S. Hasanov, and I. Fidan
(page 1373)
The Use of Smart In-Process Optical Measuring Instrument for the Automation of Additive Manufacturing Processes
Konstantin Rybalcenko, André Gaio, Luis Folgar, and Joseph Crabtree
(page 1385)
Development of a Standalone In-Situ Monitoring System for Defect Detection in the Direct Metal Laser Sintering Process
Paul Quinn, Sinéad O'Halloran, Catriona Ryan, Andrew Parnell, Jim Lawlor, and Ramesh Raghavendra
(page 1390)
Frequency Inspection of Additively Manufactured Parts for Layer Defect Identification
Aimee Allen, Kevin Johnson, Jason Blough, Andrew Barnard, Troy Hartwig, Ben Brown, David Soine, Tristan Cullom, Douglas Bristow, Robert Landers, and Edward Kinzel
(page 1400)
Melt Pool Monitoring for Control and Data Analytics in Large-Scale Metal Additive Manufacturing
B.T. Gibson, Y.K. Bandari, B.S. Richardson, A.C. Roschli, B.K. Post, M.C. Borish, A. Thornton, W.C. Henry, M. Lamsey, and L.J. Love
(page 1411)
Frequency Domain Measurements of Melt Pool Recoil Pressure Using Modal Analysis and Prospects for In-Situ Non-Destructive Testing
Tristan Cullom, Nicholas Altese, Douglas Bristow, Robert Landers, Ben Brown, Troy Hartwig, David Soine, Aimee Allen, Andrew Barnard, Jason Blough, Kevin Johnson, and Edward Kinzel
(page 1430)
Interrogation of Mid-Build Internal Temperature Distributions within Parts Being Manufactured via the Powder Bed Fusion Process
Nathaniel Wood, Heimdall Mendoza, Paul Boulware, and David J. Hoelzle
(page 1445)
Reducing Computer Visualization Errors for In-Process Monitoring of Additive Manufacturing Systems Using Smart Lighting and Colorization System
J. Engle, R. Nguyen, K. Buah, and J.M. Weaver
(page 1482)
A Passive On-line Defect Detection Method for Wire and Arc Additive Manufacturing Based on Infrared Thermography
Xi Chen, Haiou Zhang, Jiannan Hu, and Yu Xiao
(page 1497)
Examination of the Lpbf Process by Means of Thermal Imaging for the Development of a Geometric-Specific Process Control
T. Pichler and J.H. Schleifenbaum
(page 1511)
Analysis of the Shielding Gas Dependent L-PBF Process Stability by Means of Schlieren and Shadowgraph Techniques
B. Hoppe, S. Enk, and J.H. Schleifenbaum
(page 1523)
Application of Schlieren Technique in Additive Manufacturing: A Review
R. Bharadwaja, Aravind Murugan, Yitao Chen, and F.W. Liou
(page 1537)
Wire Co-Extrusion with Big Area Additive Manufacturing
Celeste Atkins, Jesse Heineman, Phillip Chesser, Alex Roschli, Brian Post, Peter Lloyd, Lonnie Love, and Randall Lind
(page 1549)
Skybaam Large-Scale Fieldable Deposition Platform System Architecture
Phillip Chesser, Brian Post, Randy Lind, Alex Roschli, Celeste Atkins, Alex Boulger, Paritosh Mhatre, and Pete Lloyd
(page 1558)
Dynamic Build Bed for Additive Manufacturing
Ismail Enes Yigit and Ismail Lazoglu
(page 1568)
Effect of Infrared Preheating on the Mechanical Properties of Large Format 3D Printed Parts
Vidya Kishore, Andrzej Nycz, John Lindahl, Chad Duty, Charles Carnal, and Vlastimil Kunc
(page 1576)
Large-Scale Additive Manufacturing of Concrete Using a 6-Axis Robotic Arm for Autonomous Habitat Construction
N.D. Watson, N.A. Meisel, S.G. Bilén, J. Duarte, and S. Nazarian
(page 1583)
Overview of In-Situ Temperature Measurement for Metallic Additive Manufacturing: How and Then What
Dian Li, Ruikai Liu, and Xiayun Zhao
(page 1596)
In-Situ Local Part Qualification of SLM 304L Stainless Steel through Voxel Based Processing of SWIR Imaging Data
Cody S. Lough, Xin Wang, Robert G. Landers, Douglas A. Bristow, James A. Drallmeier, and Edward C. Kinzel
(page 1611)
New Support Structures for Reduced Overheating on Downfacing Regions of Direct Metal Printed Parts
Umberto Paggi, Rajit Ranjan, Lore Thijs, Can Ayas, Matthijs Langelaar, Fred van Keulen, and Brecht van Hooreweder
(page 1626)
The Development Status of the National Project by Technology Research Assortiation for Future Additive Manufacturing (TRAFAM) in Japan
H. Kyogoku, A. Chiba, M. Hashitani, and T. Kimijima
(page 1641)
Investigating Applicability of Surface Roughness Parameters in Describing the Metallic AM Process
Samantha Taylor, Bradley Jared, Josh Koepke, Eric Forrest, and Joseph Beaman
(page 1651)
A Direct Metal Laser Melting System Using a Continuously Rotating Powder Bed
William T. Carter, Michael E. Graham, Christopher Hayden, Younkoo Jeong, Justin Mamrak, Brian McCarthy, William Monaghan, Edward J. Nieters, Victor Ostroverkhov, Subhrajit Roychowdhury, Andrea Schmitz, and Michael R. Tucker
(page 1665)
Evaluation of a Feed-Forward Laser Control Approach for Improving Consistency in Selective Laser Sintering
T. Phillips, S. Fish, and J. Beaman
(page 1673)
Electroforming Process to Additively Manufactured Microscale Structures
Krish Patel, Amelia McNamee, and Bishal Silwal
(page 1697)
In-Process UV-Curing of Pasty Ceramic Composite
Stefan Mischliwski and Matthias Weigold
(page 1707)
Development of a Circular 3S 3D Printing System to Efficiently Fabricate Alumina Ceramic Products
Jia–Chang Wang and D. Hitesh
(page 1720)
Repair of High-Value Plastic Components Using Fused Deposition Modeling
Charul Chadha, Albert E. Patterson, James T. Allison, Kai A. James, and Iwona M. Jasiuk
(page 1732)
A Low-Cost Approach for Characterizing Melt Flow Properties of Filaments Used in Fused Filament Fabrication Additive Manufacturing
Jingdong Chen and Douglas E. Smith
(page 1756)
Increasing the Interlayer Bond of Fused Filament Fabrication Samples with Solid Cross-Sections Using Z-Pinning
Chad Duty, Tyler Smith, Alexander Lambert, Justin Condon, John Lindahl, Seokpum Kim, and Vlastimil Kunc
(page 1769)
Impact of Embedding Cavity Design on Thermal History between Layers in Polymer Material Extrusion Additive Manufacturing
Swapnil Sinha and Nicholas A. Meisel
(page 1778)
Development of Functionally Graded Material Capabilities in Large-Scale Extrusion Deposition Additive Manufacturing
James Brackett, Yongzhe Yan, Dakota Cauthen, Vidya Kishore, John Lindahl, Tyler Smith, Haibin Ning, Vlastamil Kunc, and Chad Duty
(page 1793)
Using Non-Gravity Aligned Welding in Large Scale Additive Metals Manufacturing for Building Complex Parts
J.J. Penney and W.R. Hamel
(page 1804)
Thermal Process Monitoring for Wire-Arc Additive Manufacturing Using IR Cameras
William Carter, Christopher Masuo, Andrzej Nycz, Mark Noakes, and Derek Vaughan
(page 1812)
A Comparative Study between 3-Axis and 5-Axis Additively Manufactured Samples and Their Ability to Resist Compressive Loading
N. Kaill, R.I. Campbell, P. Pradel, and G.A. Bingham
(page 1818)
Using Parallel Computing Techniques to Algorithmically Generate Voronoi Support and Infill Structures for 3D Printed Objects
T. Williams, S. Langehennig, M. Ganter, and D. Storti
(page 1830)
Exploration of a Cable-Driven 3D Printer for Concrete Tower Structures
Jesse J. Heineman, Randall F. Lind, Phillip C. Chesser, Brian K. Post, Alex M. Boulger, Alex Roschli, Lonnie J. Love, and Katherine T. Gaul
(page 1853)
Topology Optimization for Anisotropic Thermomechanical Design in Additive Manufacturing
J.S. Ramsey and D.E. Smith
(page 1863)
Cellular and Topology Optimization of Beams under Bending: An Experimental Study
Arjun Gopal, Gaurav Parihar, McKay Holt, Tanner Stinson, Manasvi Sharma, and Dhruv Bhate
(page 1877)
An Experimental Study of Design Strategies for Stiffening Thin Plates under Compression
Irving E. Ramirez Chavez, Cameron Noe, Vigneshwaran Sekar, Shainil Jogani, Siddharth Israni, and Dhruv Bhate
(page 1893)
Multi-Objective Topology Optimization of Additively Manufactured Heat Exchangers
Basil J. Paudel, Mohammad Masoomi, and Scott M. Thompson
(Page 1908)
A Mold Insert Case Study on Topology Optimized Design for Additive Manufacturing
M. Sinico, R. Ranjan, M. Moshiri, C. Ayas, M. Langelaar, A. Witvrouw, F. van Keulen, and W. Dewulf
(page 1921)
Development, Production and Post-Processing of a Topology Optimized Aircraft Bracket
Helge Klippstein, Anne Duchting, Thomas Reiher, Florian Hengsbach, Dennis Menge, and Hans-Joachim Schmid
(page 1932)
Manufacturing Process and Parameters Development for Water-Atomized Zinc Powder for Selective Laser Melting Fabrication
Bryan E. Ruvalcaba, Edel Arrieta, Andres H. Escarcega, Francisco Medina, and Ryan B. Wicker
(page 1946)
A Multi-Scale Computational Model to Predict the Performance of Cell Seeded Scaffolds with Triply Periodic Minimal Surface Geometries
E.F. Lehder, I.A. Ashcroft, R.D. Wildman, I. Maskery, and L.R. Cantu
(page 1954)
Multi-Material Soft Matter Robotic Fabrication: A Proof of Concept in Patient-Specific Neurosurgical Surrogates
Chih-Chiang M. Chang, Thomas E. Angelini, Frank J. Bova, and Scott A. Banks
(page 1965)
Optimization of the Additive Manufacturing Process for Geometrically Complex Vibro-Acoustic Metamaterials
T.M. Mukhametkaliyev, M. Ferrucci, M. Pavan, M.C. Villanueva, T. Craeghs, C. Claeys, E. Deckers, and W. Desmet
(page 1976)
Effects of Particle Size Distribution on Surface Finish of Selective Laser Melting Parts
H. Lim and N.A. Khan
(page 1990)
An Automated Method for Geometrical Surface Characterization for Fatigue Analysis of Additive Manufactured Parts
Behnam Rasoolian, Jonathan Pegues, Nima Shamsaei, and Daniel Silva
(page 2004)
A Design Method to Exploit Synergies between Fiber-Reinforce Composites and Additive Manufactured Processes
Vahid Hassani, David W. Rosen, Ethan Goh, Sufiyan Sarwan, and Florian Doetzer
(page 2015)
Preliminary Study on Hybrid Manufacturing of the Electronic-Mechanical Integrated Systems (EMIS) via the LCD Stereolithography Technology
Guanghai Fei, Tiwei Wei, Qimin Shi, Yongjian Guo, Herman Oprins, and Shoufeng Yang
(page 2028)
Large-Scale Thermoset Pick and Place Testing and Implementation
Alex Boulger, Tyler Laughter, Andrew Rhodes, Paritosh Mhatre, Nikolaos Tsiamis, Christopher Hershey, Stian Romberg, John Lindahl, and Vlastimil Kunc
(page 2037)
The Use of Smart In-Process Optical Measuring Instrument for the Automation of Additive Manufacturing Processes
Konstantin Rybalcenko, André Gaio, Luis Folgar, and Joseph Crabtree
(page 2046)
Wet-Chemical Support Removal for Additive Manufactured Metal Parts
T. Schmithüsen and Johannes Henrich Schleifenbaum
(page 2051)
Analysis of Powder Removal Methods for EBM Manufactured Ti-6Al-4V Parts
Amit J. Lopes, Luis C. Ramos, David Saenz, Philip Morton, Cesar A. Terrazas, Ahsan Choudhuri, and Ryan Wicker
(page 2064)
Tensile Property Variation with Wall Thickness in Selective Laser Melted Parts
S. Raghavan, N. Soh, L.J. Hao, N.A. Khan, R. Muthu, and J. Dzugan
(page 2074)
Methodical Design of a 3D-Printable Orthosis for the Left Hand to Support Double Bass Perceptional Training
D. Borstell, N. Walker, and S. Kurz
(page 2090)
Printed Materials and Their Effects on Quasi-Optical Millimeter Wave Guide Lens Systems
Diana Foster, Chris Corey, Chris Fisher, Caitlin Smith, and Arthur Paolella
(page 2104)
Porosity Analysis and Pore Tracking of Metal AM Tensile Specimen by Micro-Ct
Santosh K. Rauniyar and Kevin Chou
(page 2120)
Using Wax Filament Additive Manufacturing for Low-Volume Investment Casting
K. Andrew and J.M. Weaver
(page 2132)
Fatigue Performance of Additively Manufactured Stainless Steel 316L for Nuclear Applications
William Beard, Robert Lancaster, Jack Adams, and Dane Buller
(page 2144)
Failure Detection of Fused Filament Fabrication via Deep Learning
Zhicheng Zhang and Ismail Fidan
(page 2156)
Surface Roughness Characterization in Laser Powder Bed Fusion Additive Manufacturing
Wesley Eidt, Eric-Paul Tatman, Josiah McCarther, Jared Kastner, Sean Gunther, and Joy Gockel
(page 2165)
Compressive and Bending Performance of Selectively Laser Melted AlSi10Mg Structures
D. Murphy, O. Fashanu, M. Spratt, J. Newkirk, and K. Chandrashekhara
(Page 2177)
Compressive Response of Strut-Reinforced Kagome with Polyurethane Reinforcement
Rinoj Gautam, Vijay Shankar Sridharan, Wee Lee Teh, and Sridhar Idapalapati
(page 2188)
A Computational and Experimental Investigation into Mechanical Characterizations of Strut-Based Lattice Structures
Mohammad Reza Vaziri Sereshk, Kevin Triplett, Christopher St. John, Keith Martin, Shira Gorin, Alec Avery, Eric Byer, Conner St. Pierre, Arash Soltani-Tehrani, and Nima Shamsaei
(page 2196)
The Effect of Cell Size and Surface Roughness on the Compressive Properties of ABS Lattice Structures Fabricated by Fused Deposition Modeling
L. Mason and M.C. Leu
(page 2208)
Effective Elastic Properties of Additively Manufactured Metallic Lattice Structures: Unit-Cell Modeling
O. Fashanu, D. Murphy, M. Spratt, J. Newkirk, and K. Chandrashekhara
(page 2223)
Impact Energy Absorption Ability of Thermoplastic Polyurethane (TPU) Cellular Structures Fabricated via Powder Bed Fusion
Y. Wu, J. Hermes, L. Verbelen, and L. Yang
(page 2230)
Permeability Analysis of Polymeric Porous Media Obtained by Material Extrusion Additive Manufacturing
M.O. Shigueoka, S.L. de M. Junqueira, T.A. Alves, and N. Volpato
(page 2245)
Effects of Unit Cell Size on the Mechanical Performance of Additive Manufactured Lattice Structures
Arash Soltani-Tehrani, Seungjong Lee, Mohammad Reza Vaziri Sereshk, and Nima Shamsaei
(page 2254)
Mechanical Behavior of Additively-Manufactured Gyroid Lattice Structure under Different Heat Treatments
Mohammad Reza Vaziri Sereshk, Rakish Shrestha, Brandon Lessel, Nam Phan, and Nima Shamsaei
(page 2263)
Fast and Simple Printing of Graded Auxetic Structures
M.A. Carton and M. Ganter
(page 2270)
Compressive Properties Optimization of a Bio-Inspired Lightweight Structure Fabricated via Selective Laser Melting
Liang Meng, Zemin Wang, and Xiaoyan Zeng
(page 2280)
In-Plane Pure Shear Deformation of Cellular Materials with Novel Grip Design
K.M. Conway, S.S. Kulkarni, B.A. Smith, G.J. Pataky, G.M. Mocko, and J.D. Summers
(page 2296)
Modelling for the Tensile Fracture Characteristic of Cellular Structures under Tensile Load with Size Effect
Yan Wu and Li Yang
(page 2314)
Design, Modeling and Characterization of Triply Periodic Minimal Surface Heat Exchangers with Additive Manufacturing
Hao Peng, Feng Gao, and Wenjing Hu
(page 2325)
Investigating the Production of Gradient Index Optics by Modulating Two-Photon Polymerisation Fabrication Parameters
E. Woods, M. Fromhold, R. Wildman, and C. Tuck
(page 2338)
Additive Manufactured Lightweight Vehicle Door Hinge with Hybrid Lattice Structure
I. Aydin, E. Akarcay, O.F. Gumus, H. Yelek, and C.B. Engin
(page 2345)