Spiral Growth Manufacturing (SGM) – A Continuous Additive Manufacturing Technology for Processing Metal Powder by Selective Laser Melting 1
C. Hauser, C. Sutcliffe, M. Egan and P. Fox
New Printing Technology for Fully Graduated Material Properties 13
E. Uhlmann and P. Elsner
Mobile Paving System (MPS): A New Large Scale Freeform Fabrication Method 19
B. Asiabanpour, D. Um, V. Sriraman, A. Tseng, J. Mata and N. Wahed
PCPro a Novel Technology for Rapid Prototyping and Rapid Manufacturing 31
T. Himmer, E. Stiles, A. Techel and E. Beyer
Hybrid Manufacturing: Integrating Direct Write and Stereolithography 39
Frank Medina, Amit Lopes, Asim Inamdar, Robert Hennessey, Jeremy Palmer, Bart Chavez, Don Davis, Phil Gallegos and Ryan Wicker
Numerical Study on the Recoating Process in Microstereolithography 50
W. Tan and I. Gibson
Rapid Fabrication of Large-sized Solid Shape using Variable Lamination Manufacturing and Multi-functional Hotwire Cutting System 60
D.Y. Yang, H.C. Kim, S.H. Lee, D.G. Ahn and S.K. Park
Freeze-form Extrusion Fabrication of Ceramics 72
Tieshu Huang, Michael S. Mason, Gregory E. Hilmas and Ming C. Leu
New Design for Conserving Polymer Powder for the SIS Rapid Prototyping Process 86
Bahram Asiabanpour, Robert Cano, Lane VanWagner, Thomas McCormick and Farhana Wasik
Innovative Selective Laser Sintering Rapid Manufacturing using Nanotechnology 98
J.H. Koo, L. Pilato, G. Wissler, J. Cheng, W. Ho, K. Nguyen, S. Lao, A. Cummings and M. Ervin
Residual Stresses in Selective Laser Sintering and Selective Laser Melting 109
Peter Mercelis and Jean-Pierre Kruth
Mechanical Properties and Biological Responses of Bioactive Glass Ceramics Processed using Indirect SLS 132
K.W. Dalgarno, D.J. Wood, R.D. Goodridge, K. Xiao, C. Ohtsuki, P. Genever and J. Dyson
SLS Processing Studies of Nylon 11 Nanocomposites 141
J. Cheng, S. Lao, K. Nguyen, W. Ho, A. Cummings and J. Koo
A Genetic Algorithm with Design of Experiments Approach to Predict the Optimal Process Parameters for FDM 150
G. Arumaikkannu, N. Uma Maheshwaraa and S. Gowri
Mechanical Properties and Bioanalytical Characterization for a Novel Non-Toxic Flexible Photopolymer Formulation Class 162
A.T. Bens, C. Tille, B. Leukers, G. Bermes, M. Emons, R. Sobe, A. Pansky, B. Roitzheim, M. Schulze, E. Tobiasch and H. Seitz
Polymer Matrix Nanocomposites by Inkjet Printing 174
Brian McMorrow, Richard Chartoff, Pierre Lucas and Wade Richardson
SLS Materials Development Method for Rapid Manufacturing 184
R.S. Evans, D.L. Bourell, J.J. Beaman and M.I. Campbell
Controlled Local Properties in the Same Part with Sintaflex A New Elastomer Powder Material for the SLS Process 197
Gideon N. Levy, Paul Boehler, Raffaele Martinoni, Ralf Schindel and Peter Schleiss
Transparentization of SLS Processed SMMA Copolymer Parts by Infiltrating a Thermosetting Epoxy Resin with Tuned Refractive Index 208
Toshiki Niino and Hidenori Yamada
Towards the Design of a Layer-Based Additive Manufacturing Process for the Realization of Metal Parts of Designed Mesostructure 217
Christopher B. Williams, Farrokh Mistree and David W. Rosen
Rapid Design and Manufacture of Ultralight Cellular Materials 231
W. Brooks, C. Sutcliffe, W. Cantwell, P. Fox, J. Todd and R. Mines
Non-isothermal Initial Stage Sintering Strain Model with Application to 316L Stainless Steel 242
S. Johnston, R. Anderson and D. Storti
Laser Sintering of Stainless Steel using Resin Powder 254
Y. Imai, H. Kyogoku and K. Shiraishi
Improving Accuracy of Powder Sintering-based SFF Processes by Metal Deposition from Nanoparticle Dispersion 261
N.B. Crane, J. Wilkes, E. Sachs and S.M. Allen
Development of a Co-Cr-Mo to Tantalum Transition using LENS for Orthopedic Applications 273
Saripella Surya Kumar and Brent Stucker
Sensitivity Analysis of Process Parameters in Laser Deposition 283
Zhiqiang Fan, Kaushik Phatak and Frank Liou
Freeform Fabrication of Zinc Air Batteries with Tailored Geometry and Performance 295
Megan E. Berry, Evan Malone and Hod Lipson
Determination of Dynamic Powder Modeling Parameters via Optical Methods 308
Todd Sparks, Heng Pan and Frank Liou
Use of Parameter Estimation for Stereolithography Surface Finish Improvement 315
Benay Sager and David W. Rosen
Compensation Zone Approach to Avoid Z Errors in Mask Projection Stereolithography Builds 326
Ameya Limaye and David W. Rosen
Thermo-structural Finite Element Analysis of Direct Laser Metal Deposited Thin-Walled Structures 338
Srdja Zekovic, Rajeev Dwivedi and Radovan Kovacevic
Thermal Modeling of Metal Powder-Based Selective Laser Sintering 356
Tiebing Chen and Yuwen Zhang
Mechanism for Determination of G-factors for Solid Freeform Fabrication Techniques Based on Large Heat Input 370
Rajeev Dwivedi, Srdja Zekovic and Radovan Kovacevic
Techno-Economic Analysis of Hybrid Layered Manufacturing 382
K.P. Karunakaran, Vishal Pushpa, Sreenath Babu Akula, Rajeev Dwivedi and R. Kovacevic
A Model for Error Propagation in the Surface Profile for Solid Freeform Fabrication 395
Rajeev Dwivedi, Srdja Zekovic and Radovan Kovacevic
Simplified Production of Large Prototypes using Visible Slicing 406
K.P. Karunakaran, P.D. Solanki, Onkar S. Sahasrabudhe, Vishal Pushpa, Rajeev Dwivedi and Radovan Kovacevic
Workpiece Alignment for Hybrid Laser Aided Part Repair Process 418
Ajay Panackal Padathu, Todd Sparks and Frank Liou
Part Repair using a Hybrid Manufacturing System 425
Kunnayut Eiamsa-ard, Hari Janardanan Nair, Lan Ren, Jianzhong Ruan, Todd Sparks and Frank W. Liou
Hydrogels in Stereolithography 434
Karina Arcaute, Luis Ochoa, Brenda Mann and Ryan Wicker
Rapid Prototyping of PEM Fuel Cell Bi-Polar Plates using 3D Printing and Thermal Spray Deposition 446
Brett Lyons, Marat Batalov, Pranavasu Mohanty and Suman Das
Improvement of Electrical Conductivity of SLS PEM Fuel Cell Bipolar Plates 458
Ssuwei Chen, David L. Bourell and Kristin L. Wood
Rapid Fabrication of Smart Tooling with Embedded Sensors by Casting in Molds Made by Three Dimensional Printing 468
John Kobliska, Petar Ostojic, Xudong Cheng, Xugang Zhang, Honseok Choi, Yong Yang and Xiaochun Li
Stereolithography: A Basis for Integrated Meso Manufacturing 476
J.A. Palmer, D.W. Davis, P.L. Gallegos, P. Yang, B.D. Chavez, F.R. Medina and R.B. Wicker
Freeform Fabrication of Ionomeric Polymer-Metal Composite Actuators 484
Evan Malone and Hod Lipson
The Potential of Freeform Construction Processes 503
R.A. Buswell, R. Soar, A. Gibb and A. Thorpe
Nanotailoring Stereolithography Resins for Unique Applications using Carbon Nanotubes 513
J.H. Sandoval, L. Ochoa, A. Hernandez, O. Lozoya, K.F. Soto, L.E. Murr and R.B. Wicker