Cyber-Enabled Manufacturing Systems
An Integrated Approach to Cyber-Enabled Additive Manufacturing using Physics based, Coupled Multi-scale Process Modeling
Deepankar Pal, Nachiket Patil, Mohammad Nikoukar, Kai Zeng, Khalid Haludeen Kutty Brent E. Stucker, University of Louisville
(page 1)
A Proposed Digital Thread for Additive Manufacturing
Abdalla R. Nassar, Edward W. Reutzel, The Pennsylvania State University
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Qualification, Verification and Validation
A Material-Based Quality Concept for Polymer Laser Sintering
Stefan Josupeit, Stefan Rüsenberg, Hans-Joachim Schmid, University of Paderborn
(page 44)
Real-Time Selective Monitoring of Exposure Controlled Protection Lithography
Harrison H. Jones, Abhishek Kwatra, Amit S. Jariwala, David W. Rosen, Georgia Institute of Technology
(page 55)
Development of a Quality System for Polymer Based-Selective Laser Sintering Process
A.O. Stephen, Kenny Dalgarno, Javier Munguia, Newcastle University
(page 66)
Layer by Layer Validation of Geometrical Accuracy in Additive Manufacturing processes
Kai Zeng, Nachiket Patil, Hengfeng Gu, Haijun Gong, Deepankar Pal, Thomas Starr, Brent Stucker, University of Louisville
(page 76)
Vision-based Process Monitoring for Laser Metal Deposition Processes
Sreekar Karnati, Niroop Matta, Todd Sparks, Frank Liou, Missouri University of Science and Technology
(page 88)
Micro- and Nano-Additive Manufacturing
Process Planning Method for Exposure Controlled Projection Lithography
Amit S. Jariwala, Harrison Jones, Abhishek Kwatra, David W. Rosen, Georgia Institute of Technology
(page 95)
Design Considerations for Mask Projection Micro-Stereolithography Systems
Phillip Lambert, Earl Campaigne III, Christopher Williams, Virginia Tech
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Process Development
Producing Crack-Free High Density M2HSS Parts by Selective Laser Melting: Pre-Heating the Baseplate
Karolien Kempen, Lore Thijs, Sam Buls, Jan Van Humbeeck, Jean-Pierre
Kruth, University of Leuven (KU Leuven)
(page 131)
Nitrogen Flow Effects on Part Bed Surface Temperature During Laser Sintering
Mengqi Yuan, David Bourell, The University of Texas at Austin
(page 140)
Effects of Laser Window Degradation on Laser Power and Distribution in Laser Sintering
Ben Fulcher, David K. Leigh, Harvest Technologies
(page 150)
Experimental Temperature Analysis of Powder-Based Electron Beam Additive Manufacturing
Steven Pricea, James Lydonb, Ken Cooperb, Kevin Choua, aThe University of Alabama, bMarshall Space Flight Center
(page 162)
Assembled Additive Manufacturing – A Hybrid Fabrication Process Inspired by Origami Design
Dongping Deng, Yong Chen, University of Southern California, Los Angeles
(page 174)
Study on Metamorphic Rolling Mechanism for Metal Hybrid Additive Manufacturing
Haiou Zhang, Daoman Rui, Yang Xie, Guilan Wang, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
(page 188)
Processing Biodegradable Polycaprolactone through 3D Printing
Yinfeng Hes, Sam Kilsbyb, Chris Tucka, Ricky Wildmana, Steven Christieb, Steven Edmonsonb, Hongyi Yanga, aNottingham University, bLoughborough University
(page 200)
Modeling and Fabrication of Heterogeneous Three-Dimensional Objects Based on Additive Manufacturing
Pu Huang, Dongping Deng, Yong Chen, University of Southern California
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Energy Efficient Modeling and Optimization of Additive Manufacturing Processes
Anoop Verma and Rahul Rai, University at Buffalo
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Deformation Post-Processing of Additive Manufacturing Components
Nathan B. Crane, Craig Lusk, Justin Nussbaum, Yohanna Consuegra Reyes, University of South Florida
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Time-Resolved Study of Droplet Formation Process During Inkjetting of Alginate Solution
Changxue Xua, Zhengyi Zhangb, Jianzhong Fuc, Yong Huangb, Roger R. Markwaldd, aClemson University , bUniversity of Florida, cZhejiang University, dMedical University of South Carolina
(page 253)
The Influence of a Dynamically Optimized Galvano Based Laser Scanner on the Total Scan Time of SLM Parts
Sam Bulsa, Tom Craeghsb, Stijn Clijstersa, Karolien Kempena, Jan Sweversa, Jean-Pierre Krutha, aUniversity of Leuven (KU Leuven), bMaterialise
(page 260)
Hybrid Deposition and Micro Rolling Manufacturing Method of Metallic Parts
Haiou Zhang, Yang Xie, Daoman Rui, Guilan Wang, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
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Multifunctional Material Direct Printing for Laser Sintering Systems
C. E. Folgara, L. N. Folgara, and D. Cormiera, a3D Systems Corporation, bRochester Institute of Technology
(page 282)
Development of a Low-Cost Parallel Kinematic Machine for Multi-Directional Additive Manufacturing
Xuan Song, Yayue Pan, Yong Chen, University of Southern California
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High Frequency Ultrasonic Non Destructive Evaluation of Additively Manufactured Components
N.V.Karthik, Hengfeng Gu, Deepankar Pal, Thomas Starr, Brent Stucker, University of Louisville
(page 311)
Development of Freeze-Form Extrusion Fabrication with Use of Sacrificial Material
Ming C. Leu, Diego A. Garcia, Missouri University of Science and Technology
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Development of a 3D Printing Method for Production of Dental Application
Li Yang, Shanshan Zhang, Gustavo Oliveira, Brent Stucker, University of Louisville
(page 346)
Characterizing the Bulk & Flow Behaviour of LS Polymer Powders
Stefan Ziegelmeierab, Frank Wölleckea, Christopher Tuckb, Ruth Goodridgeb, Richard Hagueb, aBMW Group, bUniversity of Nottingham
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Effect of Sintering Parameters and Flow Agent on the Mechanical Properties of High Speed Sintered Elastomer
Farhana Norazman, Neil Hopkinson, The University of Sheffield
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Improving Tensile Mechanical Properties of FDM-Manufactured Specimens via Modifying Build Parameters
Mohammad Shojib Hossain, Jorge Ramos, David Espalin, Mireya Perez, Ryan Wicker, The University of Texas at El Paso
(page 380)
Study of the Influence of Material Properties on Residual Stress in Selective Laser Melting
Bey Vranckena, Ruben Wauthléab, Jean-Pierre Krutha, Jan Van Humbeecka, aUniversity of Leuven (KU Leuven), bLayerWise NV
(page 393)
Metals Additive Manufacturing Development At Harvest Technologies
Ben Fulcher, David K. Leigh, Harvest Technologies
(page 408)
The Effects of Processing Parameters on Defect Regularity in Ti-6Al-4V Parts Fabricated by Selective Laser Melting and Electron Beam Melting
Haijun Gong, Khalid Rafi, Thomas Starr, Brent Stucker, University of Louisville
(page 424)
Defect Morphology in Ti-6Al-4V Parts Fabricated by Selective Laser Melting and Electron Beam Melting
Haijun Gong, Khalid Rafi, N.V. Karthik, Thomas Starr, Brent Stucker, University of Louisville
(page 440)
Investigating a Semi-Solid Processing Technique using Metal Powder Bed Additive Manufacturing Processes
P. Vora, F. Derguti, K. Mumtaz, I. Todd, N. Hopkinson, University of Sheffield
(page 454)
Modeling and Experimental Validation of Nickel-Based Super Alloy (Inconel 625) Made using Selective Laser Melting
Md Ashabul Anam, Deepankar Pal, Brent Stucker, University of Louisville
(page 463)
Influences of Energy Density on Porosity and Microstructure of Selective Laser Melted 17-4PH Stainless Steel
Hengfeng Gu, Haijun Gong, Deepankar Pal, Khalid Rafi, Thomas Starr, Brent Stucker, University of Louisville
(page 474)
Improved Microstructure and Increased Mechanical Properties of Additive Manufacture Produced Ti-6Al-4V by Interpass Cold Rolling
Filomeno Martina, Stewart W. Williams, Paul Colegrove, Cranfield University
(page 490)
Study on the Microstructure and Binding Mechanisms of Selective Laser Sintered Wood Plastic Composite
Kaiyi Jiangab, Yanling Guoa, David L. Bourellb, aNortheast Forestry University, bThe University of Texas at Austin
(page 497)
High Viscosity Jetting System for 3D Reactive Inkjet Printing
H. Yang, Y. He, C. Tuck, R. Wildman, I. Ashcroft, P. Dickens, R. Hague, University of Nottingham
(page 505)
Selective Area Laser Deposition Joining of Aluminum Oxide
Clayton Weiss, Harris Marcus, University of Connecticut
(page 514)
Methods for Enhancing the Speed of Numerical Calculations for the Prediction of the Mechanical Behavior of Parts Made using Additive Manufacturing
Mohammad Nikoukar, Nachiket Patil, Deepankar Pal, Brent E. Stucker, University of Louisville
(page 525)
A New Finite Element Solver Using Numerical Eigen Modes for Fast Simulation of Additive Manufacturing Processes
Nachiket Patil, Deepankar Pal, Brent E. Stucker, University of Louisville ‐
(page 535)
A New Dynamic Mesh Method Applied to the Simulation of Selective Laser Melting
Kai Zeng, Deepankar Pal, Nachiket Patil, Brent Stucker, University of Louisville ‐
(page 544)
Reverse Engineering of Materials using Surfacelet‐Based Methods for CAD‐Material Integration
Namin Jeong, David W. Rosen, Georgia Institute of Technology ‐
(page 560)
Numerical Analysis of Thermal Stress and Deformation in Multi‐Layer Laser Metal Deposition Processes
Heng Liu, Todd E. Sparks, Frank Liou, David M. Dietrich, Missouri University of Science and Technology ‐
(page 577)
An Optimization Based Design Framework for Multi‐Functional 3D Printing
David Brackett, Ajit Panesar, Ian Ashcroft, Ricky Wildman, Richard Hague, University of Nottingham ‐
(page 592)
Lattice Boltzmann Simulations of Multiple Droplet Interactions during Impingement on the Substrate
Wenchao Zhou, Drew Loney, Andrei G. Fedorov, F. Levent Degertekin, David W. Rosen, Georgia Institute of Technology ‐
(page 606)
An Event‐Driven Software Architecture for Process Analysis in Additive Manufacturing
Matthias Moi, Christian Lindemann, Ulrich Jahnke, Rainer Koch, University of Paderborn ‐
(page 622)
Assessing New Support Minimizing Strategies for the Additive Manufacturing Technology SLM
Michael Clootsa, A.B. Spieringsa, K. Wegenerb, ainspire AG, bETH Zurich ‐
(page 631)
Melt Pool Geometry Simulations for Powder-Based Electron Beam Additive Manufacturing
Bo Cheng and Kevin Chou, University of Alabama
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Process Mapping for Qualification Across Multiple Direct Metal Additive Manufacturing Processes
Jack Beutha, Jason Foxa, Joy Gockela, Colt Montgomerya, Rui Yanga, Haipeng Qiaoa, Emrecan Soylemeza, Pete Reeseewatta, Amin Anvaria, Sneha Narraa, Nathan Klingbeilb, aCarnegie Mellon University,bWright State University
(page 655)
Understanding Ti-6Al-4V Microstructure Control in Additive Manufacturing via Process Maps
Joy Gockel, Jack Beuth, Carnegie Mellon University
(page 666)
Process Mapping of Transient Melt Pool Response in Wire Feed E-Beam Additive Manufacturing of Ti-6Al-4V
Jason Fox, Jack Beuth, Carnegie Mellon University
(page 675)
An Energy Dissipative Constitutive Model for Multi‐Surface Interfaces at Weld Defect Sites in Ultrasonic Consolidation Process
Nachiket Patil, Deepankar Pal, Brent E. Stucker, University of Louisville
(page 684)
Design of an Empirical Process Model and Algorithm for the Tungsten Inert Gas Wire+Arc Additive Manufacture of Ti-6Al-4V Components
Filomeno Martina, Stewart W. Williams, Paul Colegrove, Cranfield University
(page 697)
Automatic Feedback Control in Electron Beam Melting Using Infrared Thermography
Jorge Mireles, Cesar Terrazas, Francisco Medina, Ryan Wicker, The University of Texas at El Paso
(page 708)
A Systematic Use of Reverse Engineering in Evaluating the Overall Accuracy of the Fabricated Parts
Abel Ardis, Andres Alvarez Andrade, Justin McNamara, Anthony Ahrens, Jason Janysek, Jamie Humble, Bahram Asiabanpour, Texas State University – San Marcos
(page 718)
Probabilistic Simulation of Solidification Microstructure Evolution During Laser‐Based Metal Deposition
Jingwei Zhanga, Frank Lioua, William Seufzerb, Joseph Newkirka, Zhiqiang Fana, Heng Liua, Todd E. Sparksa, aMissouri University of Science and Technology, bNASA
(page 739)
Parallel Contour Path Planning for Complicated Cavity Part Fabrication using Voronoi‐Based Distance Map
Xiangping Wang, Haiou Zhang, Guilan Wang, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
(page 749)
Ankle Foot Orthotics Optimization by Means of Composite Reinforcement of Free‐Form Structures
Javier Munguia, Kenny W. Dalgarno, Newcastle University ‐
(page 766)
Additively Manufactured Flexible Fluidic Actuators for Precision Control in Surgical Applications
Jonathon E. Slightam, Vito Gervasi, Milwaukee School of Engineering
(page 777)
The Numerical Modeling of Fatigue Properties of a Bio‐Compatible Dental Implant Produced by Electron Beam Melting® (EBM)
M. Jamshidinia, F. Kong, R. Kovacevic, Southern Methodist University
(page 791)
Some Investigations Regarding the Surface Treatment of Ultem*9085 Parts Manufactured with Fused Deposition Modeling
Matthias Fischer, Volker Schöppner, University of Paderborn
(page 805)
Effect of Architecture and Porosity on Mechanical Properties of Borate Glass Scaffolds Made by Selective Laser Sintering
Krishna C.R. Kolana, Ming C. Leua, Gregory E. Hilmasa, Taylor Comteab, aMissouri University of Science and Technology, bUniversity of North Carolina – Chapel Hill
(page 816)
3D Printed Molds and Their Effects on Metal Castings
Dean Snelling, Heather Blount, Charles Forman, Kelly Ramsburg, Andrew Wentzel, Chris Williams, Alan Druschitz, Virginia Tech
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Surface Morphology of Selective Laser‐Melted Titanium
Hideki Kyogokua, Yuji Shimizua, Kenichi Yoshikawab, aKinki University, bNEXSYS
(page 846)
Additive Manufacturing Laser Deposition of Ti‐6Al‐4V for Aerospace Repair Applications
Nanda Kumar Deya, Frank Lioua, Cedo Nedicb, aMissouri University of Science and Technology, bGKN Aerospace
(page 853)
Analysis of Ferroelectric Ceramic Fabricated by Binder Jetting Technology
Sara M. Gaytana, Monica Cadenaa, Mayela Aldaza, Ed Herderickb, Francisco Medinaa, Ryan Wickera, aThe University of Texas at El Paso, bEWI
(page 859)
Controlled Multi‐Scale Turbulence Through the Use of Laser Sintered Serpienski Pyramids
Yize Liu, Stephen Beck, Franck Nicolleau, Candice Majewski, The University of Sheffield
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Utilizing Additive Techniques to Fabricate Weight Optimized Components Designed using Structural Optimization Methods
C. Smith, I. Todd, M. Gilbert, University of Sheffield
(page 879)
Experimental Investigation of Different Cellular Lattice Structures Manufactured by Fused Deposition Modeling
Osman Iyibilgina, Cemil Yigita, Ming C. Leub, aSakarya University, bMissouri University of Science and Technology
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An Investigation of the Material Properties of Laser Sintered Parts Incorporating Conformal Lattice Structure (CLStm) Technology
A. L. Cookea, C. E. Folgara, L. N. Folgara, J. Williamsa, S. Parkb, D. W. Rosenb, a3D Systems Corporation, bGeorgia Institute of Technology
(page 908)
Design of Auxetic Sandwich Panels for Structural Applications
Li Yangab, Ola Harryssonb, Denis Cormierc, Harvey Westb, Chun Parkb, Kara Petersb, aUniversity of Louisville, bNorth Carolina State University, cRochester Institute of Technology
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Manufacture of Functionally Gradient Materials using Weld‐Deposition
S. Suryakumar,M.A. Somashekara, Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad
(page 939)
3D Printing of Electro Mechanical Systems
Efrain Aguileraa, Jorge Ramosa, David Espalina, Fernando Cedillosa, Dan Museb, Ryan Wickera, Eric MacDonalda, aThe University of Texas at El Paso, bPrinted Device Concepts, LLC
(page 950)
Combining Additive Manufacturing and Direct Write for Integrated Electronics – A Review
K. Blake Perez, Christopher B. Williams, Virginia Tech
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Multiple‐Material Topology Optimization of Compliant Mechanisms Created via PolyJet 3D Printing
Nicholas Meisela, Andrew Gaynorb, Christopher Williamsa, James Guestb, aVirginia Tech, bJohns Hopkins University
(page 980)
Impact and Influence Factors of Additive Manufacturing on Product Lifecycle Costs
Christian Lindemann, Ulrich Jahnke, Mathias Moi, Rainer Koch, University of Paderborn
(page 998)
Selective Laser Sintering of Negative Stiffness Mesostructures for Recoverable, Nearly‐Ideal Shock Isolation
Timothy Klatt, Michael Haberman, Carolyn Conner Seepersad, The University of Texas at Austin
(page 1010)
Potentials of Additive Manufacturing to Prevent Product Piracy
Ulrich Jahnke, Christian Lindemann, Matthias Moi, Rainer Koch, University of Paderborn
(page 1023)
Design and Assessment of an AM Vending Machine for Student Use
Nicholas Meisel, Christopher B. Williams, Virginia Tech
(page 1034)
Ranking Model for 3D Printers
Mireya A. Perez, Jorge Ramos, David Espalin, Mohammad S. Hossain, Ryan B. Wicker, The University of Texas at El Paso
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