Proceedings of the 33rd Annual International
– An Additive Manufacturing Conference –
Preface ...................................................................................................................................................................................... xv
Organizing Committee ............................................................................................................................................................. xvi
Materials: Polymers
Induction Initiated Curing of Additively Manufactured Thermoset Composites ....................................................................... 2
L. Omer, M.J. Uddin, H. Chowdhury, J. Martinez, I. Sporn, B. Dudek, and J. Tate
Impact of Moisture Absorption on 3D Printing Nylon Filament .............................................................................................. 16
Haijun Gong, Michael Runzi, Zezheng Wang, and Lianjun Wu
A Framework with Examples for Printing Thermosetting Polymers Using Laser Powder Bed Fusion Additive Manufacturing
........................................................................................................................................................................... 23
C.A. Chatham and A.L. Washington II
Coalescence Behavior of Polyamide 12 as Function of Zero-Shear Viscosity and Influence on Mechanical Performance
.............................................................................................................................................................................. 40
S. Cholewa, A. Jaksch, and D. Drummer
Optimization of Penetration Depth and Powder Layer Thickness for Proper Interlayer Adhesion in Polymer Laser Sintering
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 49
Yuki Yamauchi, Takashi Kigure, and Toshiki Niino
Shelf Life of Polyamide 12 (PA2200) Laser Sintering Powder ................................................................................................ 66
I. Kletetzka, H. Klippstein, I. Sural, and H.-J. Schmid
Process Optimisation of PA11 in Fiber-Laser Powder-Bed Fusion through Loading of an Optical Absorber ......................... 75
Christian Leslie Budden, Aakil Raj Lalwani, Kenneth Ælkær Meinert, Anders Egede Daugaard, and David Bue Pedersen
Opacity Modulation in Additive Manufacturing ...................................................................................................................... 87
Aja Hartman, Mary Baker, Ingeborg Tastl, and Krzysztof Nauka
Material Modelling of the Photopolymers for Additive Manufacturing Processes .................................................................. 94
K. Sekmen, T. Rehbein, M. Johlitz, A. Lion, and A. Constantinescu
Study of Proximity Effect in Projection-Based Micro Stereolithography Process ................................................................. 107
Aditya Chivate, Zipeng Guo, and Chi Zhou
Powder Bed Fusion of Polymers with Ultraviolet Light Emitting Diode Energy Sources ..................................................... 119
Krzysztof Nauka, Michelle Niu, Emre Discekici, Aja Hartman, and Paul Olubummo
Materials: Composites
Ceramic On-Demand Extrusion of ZrB2-SiC Microchannels for Ultra High-Temperature Compact Heat Exchanger ......... 130
Abid Hasan Rafi, Marharyta Lakusta, Vincenzo Anthony, Grace Basler, Sophie Grier, Lauren Moeller,
David Lipke, Jeremy Lee Watts, Greg Hilmas, and Ming C. Leu
Laser Powder Bed Fusion of Bismuth Telluride: Process-Structure-Property Relationships ................................................. 141
Cagri Oztan, Eric Fodran, Eric Barnes, and Saniya LeBlanc
Additive Manufacturing .......................................................................................................................................................... 149
Mithila Rajeshirke, Ismail Fidan, Ankit Gupta, and Kari Mäntyjärvi
Development of a Low Thermal Expansion Sla Resin for Nickel Plating Applications ........................................................ 162
C. Hammond, J. Greenstreet, W. Gomez, R. Dang, and J. Tate
Knowledge Base Development for Iron-PLA Composite Filaments in Additive Manufacturing .......................................... 183
Ranger Buchanan, Jeevan Kumar Dasari, Ismail Fidan, Michael Allen, and Indranil Bhattacharya
Sulfide with a Tooling Application ......................................................................................................................................... 206
Scott E. Snarr, Patrick L. Snarr, and Joseph Beaman Jr.
Dry Blends .............................................................................................................................................................................. 219
I. Kletetzka, R. Gawlikowicz, and H.-J. Schmid
Experimental Analysis of Functionally Graded Materials Produced by Fused Filament Fabrication .................................... 240
Suhas Alkunte, Ismail Fidan, and Seymur Hasanov
Jonathan Taulo Pedersen-Bjergaard, Mathias Michael Christensen, Marco Brander, Berin Seta,
David Bue Pedersen, and Jon Spangenberg
Reinforced Polymer Composites ............................................................................................................................................ 256
Andrew Rhodes, Tyler Smith, Christian Sharpe, Vlastimil Kunc, and Chad Duty
Laser Sintering Process ........................................................................................................................................................... 268
J. Obielodan and M. Delwiche
Manufactured by Fused Filament Fabrication ........................................................................................................................ 278
Orkhan Huseynov and Ismail Fidan
Materials: Metals
Process-Controlled Grading of the Young's Modulus of AlSi10Mg Components Using L-PBF ........................................... 289
J. Geis, J. Reichwein, H. Merschroth, E. Kirchner, and M. Weigold
Manufactured AlF357 Aluminum Alloy ................................................................................................................................. 302
Faysal Khan, P.D. Nezhadfar, Paul R. Gradl, Donald Godfrey, Jacky Diemann, Shuai Shao,
and Nima Shamsaei
Comparison of Multiple Heat Treatments by Observing Mechanical Properties and Microstructure of LPBF
Fabricated Aluminum F357 .................................................................................................................................................... 314
J. Diaz, K. Caballero, V.A. Medrano, E. Arrieta, M. Benedict, D. Godfrey, R.B. Wicker, and F. Medina
Fusion ................................................................................................................................................................................... 325
S.T. Nabil, E. Arrieta, R.B. Wicker, M. Benedict, and F. Medina
Alloys (AlSi10Mg and Scalmalloy) via L-PBF: A Comparative Study ................................................................................. 341
Faysal Khan, Shaharyar Baig, Seyed R. Ghiaasiaan, Paul R. Gradl, Shuai Shao, and Nima Shamsaei
in LPBF Printer ....................................................................................................................................................................... 354
V.A. Medrano, K. Caballero, E. Arrieta, M. Benedict, R.B. Wicker, and F. Medina
Microstructure, Mechanical, and Fatigue Properties of a Laser Powder Bed Fused Al-Cu-Mg-Ag-Ti-B (A205) Alloy ....... 364
Maryam Avateffazeli, Faysal Khan, Nima Shamsaei, and Meysam Haghshenas
and Corrosion Resistance ........................................................................................................................................................ 373
M. Ritchie, S. Mehraban, S.G.R. Brown, D. Butcher, J. Cullen, M. Calvo-Dahlborg, and N.P. Lavery
A Study of the Electrical Resistivity of Sintered Copper Nanoparticles ................................................................................ 383
Obehi G. Dibua, Aaron Liao, Farzana Tasnim, Joshua Grose, Dipankar Behera, Chee S. Foong,
and Michael Cullinan
Additively Manufactured 316L Stainless Steel: Effect of Heat Treatment on Microstructure and Tensile Properties ........... 397
Seungjong Lee, Reza Ghiaasiaan, Shuai Shao, Paul R. Gradl, and Nima Shamsaei
Deposited on Carbon-Fiber-Reinforced ABS ......................................................................................................................... 408
Rebecca Kurfess, Kyle Saleeby, Thomas Feldhausen, Blane Fillingim, A. John Hart, and David Hardt
Surface Morphology and Hardness of Powder Bed Fused Ss316l as a Function of Process Parameters ............................... 416
S.H. Jagdale, S. Theeda, B.B. Ravichander, and G. Kumar
Effect of Powder Characteristics on Fatigue Performance of Additively Manufactured 17-4 PH Stainless Steel ................. 427
Arun Poudel, Arash Soltani-Tehrani, Shuai Shao, and Nima Shamsaei
Fatigue Strength Prediction through Defects-Based Analysis of L-PBF 17-4 PH Stainless Steel .......................................... 438
Indrajit Nandi, Jade Welsh, Jutima Simsiriwong, Shuai Shao, and Nima Shamsaei
Directed Energy Deposition Processing-Performance Relationship of AF9628 .................................................................... 450
M. Yang, M.M. Parvez, T. Sparks, S. Babalola, J.W. Newkirk, K. Chandrashekhara, L.N. Bartlett, and F. Liou
Simulations ............................................................................................................................................................................. 466
Indrajit Nandi, Nima Shamsaei, and Shuai Shao
Effect of Laser Polishing on Fatigue Behavior of Additively Manufactured IN718 .............................................................. 474
Seungjong Lee, Martin Bureš, Shuai Shao, Douglas N. Wells, Miroslav Zetek, Miloslav Kepka,
and Nima Shamsaei
L-PBF and LP-DED ............................................................................................................................................................... 483
Nabeel Ahmad, Shaharyar Baig, Reza Ghiaasiaan, Paul R. Gradl, Shuai Shao, and Nima Shamsaei
Aerospace Application ............................................................................................................................................................ 496
A. Doris, L. Trujillo, Dana Godinez, E. Arrieta, R.B. Wicker, P. Gradl, and F. Medina
Comparative Study of Additively Manufactured Inconel 625 in the As-Built and Heat-Treated Condition .......................... 510
V. Luna, L. Trujillo, A. Gamon, L. Marquez, E. Arrieta, L.E. Murr, R.B. Wicker, C. Katsarelis, P.R. Gradl,
and F. Medina
Haynes 214 ............................................................................................................................................................................. 528
Shaharyar Baig, Shuai Shao, Paul R. Gradl, and Nima Shamsaei
Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Additively Manufactured Haynes 230: A Comparative Study of L-PBF
vs. LP-DED ............................................................................................................................................................................ 538
Muztahid Muhammad, Rukesh Gusain, Seyed R. Ghiaasiaan, Paul R. Gradl, Shuai Shao, and Nima Shamsaei
Controlling Grain Evolution of IN625 Parts Produced by LPBF-AM .................................................................................... 548
E. Palmer, J. Rosser, M. Ritchie, C. Bromley, S.G.R. Brown, and N.P. Lavery
Effect of Defects on the Mechanical Properties of Laser Powder Bed Fused Ti-6Al-4V ....................................................... 561
Muztahid Muhammad, Shuai Shao, and Nima Shamsaei
Key Process Variable (KPV) Variations and Their Impact on Defect Structure and Tensile Behavior of
L-Pbf Ti-6Al-4V ..................................................................................................................................................................... 571
Mohammad Salman Yasin, Arash Soltani-Tehrani, Arun Poudel, Shuai Shao, and Nima Shamsaei
Deposition ............................................................................................................................................................................... 580
MohammadBagher Mahtabi, Aref. Yadollahi, Ryan Stokes, Courtney Morgan-Barnes, Joseph Young,
Haley Doude, and Linkan Bian
Fabricated Parts ...................................................................................................................................................................... 592
MohammadBagher Mahtabi, Aref Yadollahi, Ryan Stokes, Joseph Young, Haley Doude, Matthew W. Priddy,
and Linkan Bian
Bed Fusion .............................................................................................................................................................................. 603
M. Andurkar, V. O'Donnell, T. Keya, B.C. Prorok, J. Gahl, and S.M. Thompson
Fusion (LPBF) Process ........................................................................................................................................................... 614
M. Hossein Sehhat, Austin T. Sutton, Zane Yates, and Ming C. Leu
Used for Additive Manufacturing ........................................................................................................................................... 626
Justin G. Whiting, Vipin N. Tondare, and Shawn P. Moylan
Rheological Characterization of Room Temperature Powder Metal Paste for Extruded Material Modeling ......................... 638
Marshall Norris, Ismail Fidan, and Michael Allen
Novel Materials
Fabrication of Liquid-Filled Voronoi Foams for Impact Absorption Using Material Jetting Technology ............................. 653
Tosh Kāneala Brown-Moore, Srivatsan Balaji, Tyler Williams, and Jeffrey Lipton
Filigree Tungsten Components ............................................................................................................................................... 661
Maximilian Binder, Olgu Yücel, Thomas Bareth, Georg Schlick, Alexander von Müller, Jeong-Ha You,
Birger Buschmann, Riccardo de Luca, Pierlugi Fanelli, and Christian Seidel
Hybrid Curve Fitting for Reducing Motion Commands in Object Construction .................................................................... 680
Charles Wade and Michael Borish
Boosting Artificial Intelligence in Design Processes by the Use of Additive Manufacturing ................................................ 696
M. Ott, N. Meihöfener, and R. Koch
Z-Chunking for Cooperative 3D Printing of Large and Tall Objects ..................................................................................... 706
Daniel H. Weber, Wenchao Zhou, and Zhenghui Sha
Toolpath Planning for Multiple Build Points Using K-Means Clustering .............................................................................. 725
Breanne Crockett and Michael Borish
Automated Path Planning for Wire Feeding in Large Format Polymer Additive Manufacturing .......................................... 739
Michael Borish and Alex Roschli
maxel Framework for Representing and Process Planning of Functionally Graded Materials ............................................... 749
Rajeev Dwivedi
CAD-to-Scan Planning for Hybrid Manufacturing ................................................................................................................. 758
Tiffany Quigley, Joshua Penney, Devon Goodspeed, Aaron Cornelius, William Hamel, Tony Schmitz,
and Bradley Jared
Physical Modeling
Experiments ............................................................................................................................................................................ 767
M. Rangapuram, S.K. Dasari, S.P. Isanaka, M.F. Buchely, J.W. Newkirk, and K. Chandrashekhara
A Computational Study Summarizing the Effects of Composition on the Melt Pool Geometry in Additive
Manufacturing ......................................................................................................................................................................... 778
Daniel Gwynn, Sree Samhita Gundimeda, Nandana Menon, and Amrita Basak
Modelling of Microstructure Evolution in Wire-Based Laser Direct Energy Deposition with Ti-6Al-4V ............................ 789
Yousub Lee, Srdjan Simunovic, Brian Gibson, Paritosh Mhatre, and Alex Roschli
Process-Specific Microstructure-Sensitive Modeling of Fatigue in Additively Manufactured Ti-6Al-4V Alloys ................. 801
Lionardo Lado, Saeed Ataollahi, Aref Yadollahi, and Mohammad J. Mahtabi
Beads ................................................................................................................................................................................... 811
Aigbe Awenlimobor, Douglas E. Smith, Zhaogui Wang, and Chenjun Luo
Optimal Truss-Type Supports for Minimal Part Distortion in LPBF ..................................................................................... 823
Subodh C. Subedi, Dan J. Thoma, and Krishnan Suresh
Range ................................................................................................................................................................................... 840
Sudeepta Mondal, Nandana Menon, Asok Ray, and Amrita Basak
Crystal Plasticity Simulations ................................................................................................................................................. 850
Indrajit Nandi, Nabeel Ahmad, Nima Shamsaei, and Shuai Shao
Laser Melting .......................................................................................................................................................................... 859
M. Rangapuram, M. Yang, S. Babalola, J.W. Newkirk, L.N. Bartlett, F.F. Liou, and K. Chandrashekhara
Experimental and Computational Fluid Dynamics Analysis .................................................................................................. 872
Tusher Mollah, Amirpasha Moetazedian, Andy Gleadall, Jiongyi Yan, Wayne Edgar Alphonso,
Raphaël Comminal, Berin Šeta, Tony Lock, and Jon Spangenberg
Geometry in the Volumetric Additive Manufacturing Technique .......................................................................................... 882
Roozbeh Salajeghe, Carl Sander Kruse, Daniel Helmuth Meile, Deepak Marla, and Jon Spangenberg
Manufacturing ......................................................................................................................................................................... 890
Akshay. J. Thomas, Eduardo Barocio, Vasudha Kapre, Pasita Pibulchinda, Felix N. Nguyen,
and R. Byron Pipes
Modelling Fiber Orientation during Additive Manufacturing-Compression Molding Processes ........................................... 906
Berin Šeta, Tusher Mollah, Vipin Kumar, Deepak Kumar Pokkalla, Seokpum Kim, Ahmed Arabi Hassen,
and Jon Spangenberg
Broader Impacts
Evaluation of the Ecological Footprint for Parts from AlSi10Mg Manufactured by Laser Powder Bed Fusion .................... 921
C. Weiss, C. Boedger, E. Schiefer, D. Heussen, and C.L. Haefner
M. Praniewicz, J.C. Fox, and C. Saldana
Learning and Exploring Topics in STEM Education .............................................................................................................. 954
Rajeev Dwivedi, Parthiv Shah, Rohit Bhupathiraju, Indira Dwivedi, Bharat Dwivedi, Anvita Agarwal,
Arun Skanda Rebbapragada, Ria Agarwal, Nehal Singh, Ravi Bhupathiraju, and Surya Rebbapragada
AI-Powered Augmented Reality Training for Metal Additive Manufacturing ....................................................................... 965
Donald Palomino, Shijie Bian, Pedro Salcedo, Erick Navarro, Bharath Gopalaiah, Richard Otis,
and Bingbing Li
Investigations for the Optimization of Metal Freeforming Using the ARBURG Freeformer .............................................. 1001
N. Krischke, M. Friedmann, and J. Fleischer
Process Development
A Comparison of Layer Deposition and Open Molding of PETG by Fused Pellet Fabrication in an Additive
Manufacturing System .......................................................................................................................................................... 1011
A. Gibson and J.M. Weaver
Investigating the Relationship between In-Process Quality Metrics and Mechanical Response in the L-PBF Process ....... 1019
Bradley J. Sampson, Courtney Morgan-Barnes, Ryan Stokes, Haley Doude, and Matthew W. Priddy
Manufactured Multi-material Interface ................................................................................................................................. 1030
Fangkai Xue, Hakim Boudaoud, Guillaume Robin, Fabio A. Cruz Sanchez, and El Mostafa Daya
Laser Line Profile Scanning for Powder Bed Topography Measurement ............................................................................ 1039
Jaime Berez and Christopher Saldaña
Melt Pool Feature Extraction, Spatial Registration, and Layer-To-Layer Control in Powder Bed Fusion ........................... 1052
Bumsoo Park, Xin Wang, Sandipan Mishra, Douglas Bristow, and Robert Landers
A Hierarchical V-Network Framework for Part Qualification in Metal Additive Manufacturing ........................................ 1062
Byeong-Min Roh, Hui Yang, Timothy W. Simpson, Albert T. Jones, and Paul Witherell
Build Plate Design for Extrusion-Based Additive Manufacturing ........................................................................................ 1079
Alex Roschli, Brian K. Post, Celeste Atkins, Adam G. Stevens, Phillip Chesser, and Kristin Zaloudek
Impact of Nozzle Condition on Powder Catchment Efficiency for Coaxial Powder Direct Energy Deposition .................. 1091
Lauren Heinrich, Joseph Fletcher, Thomas Feldhausen, Thomas Kurfess, and Christopher Saldaña
Closed Loop Recycling of PETG in Fused Granule Fabrication Large Area Additive Manufacturing ................................ 1100
N.R. Thompson and J.M. Weaver
Deposition ............................................................................................................................................................................. 1107
D. Garcia, K.I. Watanabe, L. Marquez, E. Arrieta, R. Wicker, and F. Medina
Investigation into Effect of Beam Defocusing in Low Temperature Laser Sintering of PEEK ............................................ 1118
T. Kigure, Y. Yamauchi, and T. Niino
Approach for Large Area Additive Manufacturing .............................................................................................................. 1130
C.J. Kerr, J. Munguia Valenzuela, O. Nixon-Pearson, M. Forrest, and P.D. Gosling
Design and Use of a Penetrating Deposition Nozzle for Z-Pinning Additive Manufacturing .............................................. 1163
Brenin Bales, Roo Walker, Deepak Pokkalla, Seokpum Kim, Vlastimil Kunc, and Chad Duty
Machine Health Verification Process for Laser Powder Bed Fusion .................................................................................... 1183
Z.T. Hilton and Jamee Gray
Post-Processing Volumetric Additive Manufacturing (VAM) Components ........................................................................ 1191
C.S. Kruse, D.H. Meile, R. Salajeghe, and J. Spangenberg
Laser Beam ........................................................................................................................................................................... 1197
Julia Förster, Maximilian Binder, Georg Schlick, Christian Seidel, and Johannes Schilp
Additive Manufacturing ........................................................................................................................................................ 1210
J. Brackett, A. Defilippis, T. Smith, A. Hassen, V. Kunc, and C. Duty
Components .......................................................................................................................................................................... 1223
L. Budde, P. Merkel, V. Prasanthan, S. Bährisch, M.Y. Faqiri, M. Lammers, M. Stonis, J. Hermsdorf,
T. Hassel, J. Uhe, B.-A. Behrens, B. Breidenstein, and L. Overmeyer
In-situ Monitoring of Laser-Powder-Bed-Fusion Using IR and NIR Emissions to Detect Thermal Anomalies .................. 1234
M.A. Roach, B. Fowler, D. Thakkar, C. Babbitt, S. Khurana, and B.H. Jared
A Model for the Effects of Driving Signal on Piezoelectric Inkjet Printing Speed .............................................................. 1248
Chao Sui and Wenchao Zhou
A Unified System Controller for Open-Source Powder Bed Fusion Systems ...................................................................... 1273
S.A. Andersen, K.Æ. Meinert, M.B. Kjer, V.K. Nadimpalli, and D.B. Pedersen
Evaluating Concepts for the Integration of Milled Components into the Additive Manufacturing Process ......................... 1286
J. Reichwein, J. Geis, and E. Kirchner
Powder Spread Flaws in Polymer Laser Sintering and Its Influences on Mechanical Performance ..................................... 1296
Helge Klippstein and Hans-Joachim Schmid
Laser Calibration for Powder Bed Fusion Additive Manufacturing Process ........................................................................ 1310
Ho Yeung and Steven Grantham
Experimental Analysis and Optimization of Gas Flow in an Open-Architecture Metal L-PBF System .............................. 1321
Magnus Bolt Kjer, Moritz Reinhard Ludwig Zwicker, Venkata Karthik Nadimpalli,
Sebastian Aagaard Andersen, and David Bue Pedersen
Corrosion Applications ......................................................................................................................................................... 1331
McKay Sperry, Jakob Bates, Taylor Davis, Tracy W. Nelson, and Nathan B. Crane
Optimizing Build Plate Adhesion of Polymers in Fused Granule Fabrication Processes ..................................................... 1348
A.K. Schroeder and J.M. Weaver
Use of a Fluid Interface to Reduce Support Structures in Top-Down Stereolithography ..................................................... 1356
Jenny Wang, Amit Jariwala, and David Rosen
Manufacturing ....................................................................................................................................................................... 1369
Aja Hartman and Lihua Zhao
Thermally Switchable Build Table by Mechanical Interlocking for Additive Manufacturing ............................................. 1375
E.D. Weflen, F.E. Peters, and M.C. Frank
Are Dependent on Phase Transformation ............................................................................................................................. 1382
Rajeev Dwivedi, Indira Dwivedi, and Bharat Dwivedi
Evaluation of Solidification in Powder Bed Fusion Using a High Speed Camera ............................................................... 1389
H. Merschroth, J. Harbig, M. Weigold, J. Geis, and E. Kirchner
In-situ Infrared Thermographic Measurement of Powder Properties in Laser Powder Bed Fusion ..................................... 1402
Tao Liu, Edward C. Kinzel, and Ming C. Leu
Wire-Fed AM
Geometric Challenges in Designing Parts for Machining Using Wire-fed DED .................................................................. 1412
D.M. Vaughan, L. Meyer, C. Masuo, A. Nycz, M.W. Noakes, J. Vaughan, A. Walters, B. Carter,
and R. Wallace
Heat Treatment Effects on Mechanical Properties of Wire Arc Additive Manufactured Ti-6Al-4V ................................... 1423
Natalia Saiz, Jonathan Pegues, Shaun Whetten, Andrew Kustas, and Tyler Chilson
Effects Due to Variations in Thermal Properties of Maraging Steel for Finite Element Modeling of the
WAAM Process .................................................................................................................................................................... 1436
Matthew Register and Matthew W. Priddy
Wire-Arc Additive Manufacturing of Reduced Activation Ferritic Martensitic (RAFM) Steel ........................................... 1445
Alexandar Reichenbach and Bishal Silwal
In-situ X-Ray Micro-Computed Tomography ...................................................................................................................... 1456
Runyu Zhang, Yuxin Jiao, Christopher Paniagua, Yi Tian, Hongbing Lu, and Wei Li
Feasibility Study of Large-Sized Aluminum Facades by Using Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing .................................... 1465
Y. Yamagata, T. Sagawa, M. Nitawaki, and T. Abe
Binder Jetting
Observations of Binder Jetting Defect Formation Using High-Speed Synchrotron X-Ray Imaging .................................... 1475
Jacob Lawrence, Colton Inkley, Kamel Fezzaa, Samuel J. Clark, and Nathan B. Crane
Support-Free Sintering of 3D Printed Binder Jet Copper and Stainless Steel Parts ............................................................. 1494
John Samuel Dilip Jangam, Thomas Anthony, Jim McKinnell, Ben Pon, Jake Piderman, and Lihua Zhao
Construction of Open-Source Laboratory-Scale Binder Jetting System for High-Speed Synchrotron X-Ray Imaging ....... 1506
Jacob Lawrence, Hector Andres Peña Vega, Bryant Stegman, Caleb Roberts, Joseph Spencer,
Clinton James, McKay Christensen, and Nathan Crane
Binder Jetting of 316L Process Simulation Tools Evaluation .............................................................................................. 1519
K. Caballero, V.A. Medrano, E. Arrieta, H. Sandoval, R.B. Wicker, and F. Medina
3D Printed Smart Mold for Sand Casting: Monitoring Pre-Pour Binder Curing .................................................................. 1528
Nathaniel Bryant, Janely Villela, Juan Owen Villela, Alan Alemán, Josh O’Dell, Sairam Ravi, Jerry Thiel,
and Eric MacDonald
Data Analytics
Generation and Analysis of AlSi10Mg L-PBF Single Track Data Set Enabling Deeper Process Insights ........................... 1542
Conor Porter, Fred Carter, Dominik Kozjek, Andrea Cardona, Jon-Erik Mogonye, Kornel Ehmann,
and Jian Cao
HDF5 Hierarchies for Additive Manufacturing Digital Representations and Enhanced Analytics ...................................... 1551
L.V. Monnier and H. Ko
Examining the GPU Acceleration Speed-Up for Finite Element Modeling of Additive Manufacturing .............................. 1561
J. Logan Betts, Will Downs, Matthew J. Dantin, and Matthew W. Priddy
Defects Classification via Hierarchical Graph Convolutional Network in L-PBF Additive Manufacturing ........................ 1568
Anyi Li, Jia Liu, Shuai Shao, and Nima Shamsaei
Optimization of Laser Process Parameters Using Machine Learning Algorithms and Performance Comparison ............... 1581
S. Theeda, B.B. Ravichander, S.H. Jagdale, and G. Kumar
Machine Learning ................................................................................................................................................................. 1593
Nandana Menon, Sudeepta Mondal, and Amrita Basak
Anomal Detection for In-situ Quality Control of Directed Energy Deposition (DED) Additive Manufacturing ................. 1606
E. Dehghan-Niri, S.C. Hespeler, M. Juhasz, H.S. Halliday, and M. Lang
Machine Learning in Additive Manufacturing: A Review of Learning Techniques and Tasks ........................................... 1614
J.A. Pike, J. Klett, V. Kunc, and C.E. Duty
Fusion Processes ................................................................................................................................................................... 1632
Alexander Nettekoven, Scott Fish, Joseph Beaman, and Ufuk Topcu
Pieces ................................................................................................................................................................................. 1651
Andrew Lang, James Castle, Douglas A. Bristow, Robert G. Landers,
and Venkata Sriram Siddhardh Nadendla
Resin Development for On-Orbit Fabrication of Spacecraft Structures by Direct Solar Photopolymerization .................... 1676
W. Yerazunis, A. Weiss, P. Radyjowski, and R. Cottrell
Lightweight Additively Manufactured Bell Crank ............................................................................................................... 1687
Carlos Rodriguez, Sol Barraza, Julio Diaz, Edel Arrieta, Alejandro Hernandez, Adam Hicks, Ryan B. Wicker,
and Francisco Medina
Experimental Study of Wing Structure Geometry to Mitigate Process-Induced Deformation ............................................. 1704
Justin D. Valenti, Joseph Bartolai, and Michael A. Yukish
Material Selection & Design for Lattice-Based Biodegradable Metal Implants for Bone Regeneration in
Load-Bearing Bone Defects .................................................................................................................................................. 1716
Shantanab Dinda, Dishary Banerjee, Derek Shaffer, Ibrahim T. Ozbolat, and Timothy W. Simpson
Surface Polishing for Additively Manufactured Titanium Bone Scaffolds to Improve Osseointegration ............................ 1730
Runrun Chen, Axel Fernandes, Changyu Ma, Shuyi Huang, Shiqi Zheng, Natan Barros, Nhut Ho,
and Bingbing Li
Optimizing 3D Printed Tourniquets for Immediate Aid in Ukraine ..................................................................................... 1746
Tosh Kāneala Brown-Moore, Srivatsan Balaji, and Jeffrey Lipton
Biopolymer Composites with Dairy Protein for Use in Additive Manufacturing ................................................................. 1759
Maia Delwiche and John Obielodan
Inserting Components into Geometries Constructed onto a Non-Standard Substrate for Electronics Packaging ................. 1769
R. Plant, S. Chang, R. Hague, C. Tuck, and R. Wildman
Clamping Concept for 6 Side Hybrid Manufacturing ........................................................................................................... 1783
S. Mischliwski, D. András, and M. Weigold
Hybrid Additive and Subtractive Manufacturing of Direct-Heated Tooling ........................................................................ 1792
E.D. Weflen, F.E. Peters, and M.C. Frank
Bed Fusion ............................................................................................................................................................................ 1800
M. Andurkar, B.C. Prorok, and S.M. Thompson
Directed Energy .................................................................................................................................................................... 1811
Alexander P. Belchou, Ashish Jacob, Sanjay Joshi, E.W. Reutzel, and Peter Coutts
Design and Additive Manufacturing of Bio-Inspired Copper Heat Sinks for Microelectronics Cooling ............................. 1826
Jordan Yaple, Cameron Noe, Abdulmajeed Alenezi, Patrick Phelan, and Dhruv Bhate
Deposition Method and Pressure Die Casting ...................................................................................................................... 1838
Ragavanantham Shanmugam, Jishu Chandran, Mohanavel Vinayagam, Osama Fakron, Seth Dennison,
and Seth Romine
Deposition Modeling Process ............................................................................................................................................... 1844
E. Moritzer and F. Hecker
Development of a Novel Test Artefact for Conformal Material Extrusion Printing ............................................................. 1859
Sagar S. Jalui, Seyed Hossein Zargar, Sheila Moroney, Marcus Putz, Mychal Taylor, Serah Hatch,
and Guha Manogharan
FFF/FDM Technology .......................................................................................................................................................... 1870
Suleiman Obeidat, Joe Nervis Jr., and Junkun Ma
In-situ Integration of Weldable Strain Gauges in Components Manufactured by Laser-Based Powder Bed Fusion ........... 1878
Maximilian Binder, Andreas Machnik, Maximilian Bosch, Katharina Kreitz, Georg Schlick,
and Christian Seidel
Assessing the Feasibility of Process Window Estimation for L-PBF Ti-6Al-4V through Hardness Measurements ............ 1895
Arun Poudel, Mohammad Salman Yasin, Shuai Shao, and Nima Shamsaei
Investigation of Wear Behavior of Centrifugal Disc Finishing on Additively Manufactured Ti6Al4V Samples ................ 1904
Foxian Fan, Sagar Jalui, Nicholas Lajoie, and Guha Manogharan
Characterizing the Thermal-Induced Distortion of Large-Scale Polymer Composite Printed Structures ............................. 1921
Tyler Corum, Johnna O’Connell, James Brackett, Ryan Spencer, Ahmed Hassen, and Chad Duty
X-Ray Analysis of Magnetically Induced Additive Manufacturing ..................................................................................... 1941
R. Sellers, C. McCullough, E. Gonzalez, A. Light, S. Wolff, and H. Wang
Vibration Reduction Using Material Jetted Parts for Sander Grips ...................................................................................... 1952
Shruthika Kandukuri, Atharva Kashyap, and Jeffrey Lipton
Digital Microfluidic Design for Injection Continuous Liquid Interface Production of 3D Objects ..................................... 1969
Gabriel Lipkowitz, Tim Samuelsen, Kaiwen Hsiao, Maria T. Dulay, Ian Coates, William Pan,
Eric S.G. Shaqfeh, and Joseph M. DeSimone
A Case Study in Component Redesign for Additive Manufacturing Process Workflows .................................................... 1981
Elliott Jost, Jaime Berez, and Christopher Saldaña
Single Part Tracking Enabled by Fluorescent Polysecure Tracing Particles in Am Parts .................................................... 1998
P. Gartner, N. Krischke, M. Benfer, M. Bender, G. Lanza, J. Fleischer, and G. Dost
Validation and Comparison of Fem-Simulation Results of the Fused Deposition Modeling Process under
Consideration of Different Mesh Resolutions ...................................................................................................................... 2011
E. Moritzer and F. Hecker
Gaius Chukwuka Nzebuka and Chukwuzubelu Okenwa Ufodike
Thin-Walled Part Properties in PBF-LB/P — Experimental Understanding and Nonlocal Material Model ........................ 2033
A. Jaksch, M. Spinola, C. Cholewa, L. Pflug, M. Stingl, and D. Drummer
Strength Comparison of Topology Optimized Lattice from Printed SLA Resin, Electroplated Resin and
PBF Aluminum Alloy ........................................................................................................................................................... 2045
Sean Wise, Lourdes Bobbio, Analisa Russo, Timothy Simpson, and Allison M. Beese
Design and Analysis of a Topology Optimized Transtibial Prosthetic Socket Using Combined Static Gait Analysis ........ 2063
R.M. Carbonell and R.H. Crawford
Generative Design for Additive Manufacturing of Satellite Optical Tracker Mount ............................................................ 2081
Paula Logozzo, Donald Palomino, Abraham Meiszner, Bodia Borijin, Andrew Wang, Ryan Watkins,
and Bingbing Li
Insight into Compressive Behaviour of Schwarz-P Lattices Fabricated by Material Extrusion ........................................... 2095
P. Jameekornkul, J. Wang, and A. Panesar
Beam Deletion in Square Honeycombs for Improved Energy Absorption under Quasi-Static In-Plane Compression ........ 2106
Irving E. Ramirez-Chavez, Christine Lee, and Dhruv Bhate
Features Fabricated by Laser Powder Bed Fusion Additive Manufacturing ........................................................................ 2120
Naresh Koju, Jonah Hermes, Sumit Paul, Sayed Ehsan Saghaian, and Li Yang
Evaluation of Functionally Graded Lattice Properties of Laser Powder Bed Fused Stainless Steel 316L ........................... 2139
B.B. Ravichander, S.H. Jagdale, S. Theeda, and G. Kumar
Matthew Roe and Li Yang
Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Lattice Structures with Different Heterogeneities ............................................... 2162
Guoying Dong, Yuchen Ding, Ladpha Teawdeswan, Chaoqian Luo, and Kai Yu
Application of Systems Engineering to Lattice Structure Design: A Framework for Requirements Flow Down ................ 2174
Joseph W. Fisher, Timothy W. Simpson, and Simon W. Miller
A Data-Driven Approach for Multi-Lattice Transitions ....................................................................................................... 2197
Martha Baldwin, Nicholas A. Meisel, and Christopher McComb
3D Printing Technologies ..................................................................................................................................................... 2216
Mohammad Alshaikh Ali, Ismail Fidan, Michael Allen, Indranil Bhattacharya, and Khalid Tantawi
Lattice Design ....................................................................................................................................................................... 2233
Joseph W. Fisher, Simon W. Miller, Joseph Bartolai, and Michael A. Yukish
Additive Manufacturing ........................................................................................................................................................ 2244
Sumit Paul and Li Yang
Attendee List ......................................................................................................................................................................... 2259
Author Index ......................................................................................................................................................................... 2277