An Interactive Virtual System for Simulation and Optimization of Rapid Prototyping 1
S. H. Choi and S. Samavedam
A Knowledge-based Decision Support System for RP&M Process Selection 9
F. Xu, Y. S. Wong and H. T. Loh
RP Process Selection for Rapid Tooling in Sand Casting 19
Wanlong Wang, James G. Conley, Henry W. Stoll and Rui Jiang
Agile Product Testing with Constrained Prototypes 29
Uichung Cho, Kristin L. Wood and Richard H. Crawford
Knowledge-based System for the Choice of Rapid Prototyping Process 39
Alain Bernard
A Methodology to Create STL Files from Data Point Clouds Generated with a Coordinate Measuring Machine 47
Irenee Tyvaert, Georges Fadel and Emannuelle Rouhaud
Precision LCVD System Design with Real Time Process Control 59
Daniel L. Jean, Chad E. Duty, Brian T. Fuhrman and W. Jack Lackey
Process Planning Based on User Preferences 67
Aaron P. West and David W. Rosen
Volume Modeling for Rapid Prototyping 77
Di Ma, Feng Lin and Chee Kai Chua
Selective Laser Sintering Process Management Using a Relational Database 85
Dongping Shi and Ian Gibson
Implementation and Evaluation of Novel Buildstyles in Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) 95
Tobias Wasser, Anshu Dhar Jayal and Christoph Pistor
Application of Design of Experiments to Extrusion Freeform Fabrication (EFF) of Functional Ceramic Prototypes 103
J. Walish, M. Sutaria, M. Dougherty, R. Vaidyanathan, S. Kasichainula, P. Calvert and K. Cooper
Automated Layer Decomposition for Additive/Subtractive Solid Freeform Fabrication 111
Y.C. Chang, J. M. Pinilla, J.H. Kao, J. Dong, K. Ramaswami and F.B. Prinz
Automated Planning for Material Shaping Operations in Additive/Subtractive Solid Freeform Fabrication 121
Jianpeng Dong, Ju-Hsien Kao, Jose M. Pinilla, Yu-Chi Chang and Fritz B. Prinz
Computer-Aided Process Planning for Automatic Generation of 3D Digitizing Process for Laser Sensors 129
Alain Bernard, Stéphane Davillerd and Benoit Sidot
A Mathematical Description of Layered Manufacturing Fabrication 139
Feng Lin, Wei Sun and Yongnian Yan
SALD and SALVI Virtual Laboratory 147
Zbigniew M. Bzymek, David Ferreira, Harris Marcus and Leon L. Shaw
A Memory Efficient Slicing Algorithm for Large STL Files 155
S.H. Choi and K.T. Kwok
Minimum Bounding Box Algorithm and Its Application to Rapid Prototyping 163
C.K. Chan and S.T. Tan
Slicing STEP-based CAD Models for CAD/RP Interface 171
Haeseong J. Jee and Byong-Yeol Lee
Representation Design of Heterogeneous Components 179
Ashok V. Kumar and Aaron Wood
Heterogeneous Solids: Possible Representation Schemes 187
Stephane M. Morvan and Georges M. Fadel
Functionally Gradient Material Design and Modeling Using Hypertexture for Solid Fabrication 199
Seok-Min Park, Richard H. Crawford and Joseph J. Beaman
Application of Genetic Algorithms in the Design of Multi-Material Structures Manufactured in Rapid Prototyping 209
Oliver Konig and Georges M. Fadel
Ejection Mechanism Design Method for AIM Tools 219
Sundiata K. Jangha and David W. Rosen
Fractal Growth Modeling of Electrochemical Deposition in Solid Freeform Fabrication 229
Jack G. Zhou, Zongyan He and Jian Guo
Residual Stresses in Layered Manufacturing 239
A. Nickel, D. Barnett, G. Link and F. Prinz
Thermal Effects of In-Bed Rapid Prototyping Metastructures 247
Jeffery L. Norrell, Kristin L. Wood and Richard H. Crawford
Optimization of Powder Layer Density in Selective Laser Sintering 255
N.P. Karapatis, G. Egger, P-E. Gygax and R. Glardon
Atmospheric Control during Direct Selective of Stainless Steel 314S Powder 265
C. Hauser, T.H.C. Childs, K.W. Dalgarno and R.B. Eane
Selective Laser Sintering of Stainless Steel 314S HC Processed Using Room Temperature Powder Beds 273
C. Hauser, T.H.C. Childs and K.W. Dalgarno
Direct Laser Fabrication of High Performance Metal Components SLS/HIP 281
Martin Wohlert, Suman Das, Joseph J. Beaman and David L. Bourell
Si/SiC-Ceramic Prototypes via LS I-Process (Liquid Silicon Infiltration of Laser Sintered C-SiC Parts) 289
Peter Stierlen and Peter Eyerer
Selective Laser Sintering of Zirconia with Micro-Scale Features 297
Nicole Harlan, Seok-Min Park, David L. Bourell and Joseph J. Beaman
Measurement of the Sintering Dynamics of Polymeric Powders at Near SLS Conditions 303
J. Steinberger, K. Manetsberger, J. Shen and J. Müllers
Cryogenic Mechanical Alloying of Poly (ether ether ketone) -Polycarbonate Composite Powders for Sintering 311
J. Schultz, R. Kander and C. Suchicital
Processing, Characterization and Modeling of Non-Random Porous Ceramic Structures 319
Ashwin Hattiangadi and Amit Bandyopadhyay
Extrusion Freeform Fabrication of Functional Ceramic Prototypes 327
R. Vaidyanathan, J. L. Lombard, J. Walish, S. Kasichainula, P. Calvert and K. Cooper
Maximizing the Strength of Fused-Deposition ABS Plastic Parts 335
J.F. Rodriguez, J.P. Thomas and J.E. Renaud
Thermo-mechanical Analysis of Parts Fabricated via Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) 343
Manish Bharvirkar, Phong Nguyen and Christoph Pistor
Mechanical and Rheological Properties of Feedstock Material for Fused Deposition of Ceramics and Metals (FDC and FDMet) and Their Relationship to Process Performance 351
N. Venkataraman, S. Rangarajan, M.J. Matthewson, A. Safari, S.C. Danforth, A. Yardimci and S. I. Guceri
Novel Ceramics and Metal-Ceramic Composites via Fused Deposition Process 361
Amit Bandyopadhyay, Raj Atisivan and Susmita Bose
Process Variable Effects on Laser Deposited Ti-6AI-4V 369
C. A. Brice, K.I. Schwendner, D.W. Mahaffey, E.H. Moore and H.L. Fraser
Microstructure and Property Optimization of LENS Deposited H13 Tool Steel 375
J. Brooks, C. Robino, T. Headley, S. Goods and M. Griffith
Process Maps for Laser Deposition of Thin-Walled Structures 383
Aditad Vasinonta, Jack Beuth and Michelle Griffith
Coated Feedstock for Fabrication of Ceramic Parts by CAM-LEM 393
Zhien Liu, N. Suppakarn and James D. Cawley
Direct Fabrication of Polymer Composite Structures with Curved LOM 401
Donald Klosterman, Richard Chartoff, Mukesh Agarwala, Ira Fiscus, John Murphy, Sean Cullen and Mark Yeazell
Low Shrinkage Metal Skeletons by Three Dimensional Printing 411
Emanuel Sachs, Samuel Allen, Costas Hadjiloucas, Jeannie Yoo and Michael Cima
Fabrication of High Quality Ceramic Parts Using Mold SDM 427
S. Kang, A.G. Cooper, J. Stampf, F. Prinz, J. Lombardi, L. Weiss and J. Sherbeck
Net-Form Manufacturing of Aluminum Components: the Dependence of Processing Parameters on Component Quality 435
Melissa Orme, Qingbin Liu, Robert Smith, Charles Huang and John Fischer
Design for Controlled Thermal Expansion Using Anisotropy in Parts Made from Liquid Crystal Stereolithography Resins 443
Richard P. Chartoff, Jill S. Ullett and John W Schultz
Comparison of the Curing Process of Epoxy and Acrylate Resins for Stereolithography by Means of Experimental Investigations and FEM-Simulation 453
J. Eschl, T. Blumenstock and P. Eyerer
Rapid Pattern Based Powder Sintering with Room Temperature Polymer Infiltration 461
Zongyan He, Yong S. Kim, Monnappa Kokkengada and Jack G. Zhou
Structural Analysis of Silicon Carbide Deposited by Gas-Phase Selective Area Laser Deposition (SALD) 471
S. Harrison and H.L. Marcus
Effect of Hydrogen on Silicon Carbide Deposition from Tetramethylsilane -Raman Scattering Studies 479
Lianchao Sun, James E. Crocker, Leon L. Shaw and Harris L. Marcus
Conceptual Design of a Smart Portable SFF System 487
Zbigniew M. Bzymek, Chandrasekhar Roychoudhuri, Leon L. Shaw and Wojciech Marks
Processing and Characterization of SALDVI Ceramic Structures 495
James E. Crocker, Lianchao Sun, Helene Ansquer, Leon L. Shaw and Harris L. Marcus
Fabrication of Inorganic Material Models with Local Chemical Reaction Heat by Laser Sintering 503
Takayuki Kamitani, Osamu Yamada and Yoji Marutani
Electrically Stimulated Bilayer Hydrogels as Muscles 511
Paul Calvert and Zengshe Liu
Process Development
Intelligent Toolpath for Extrusion-based LM Process 519
Dan Qiu, Noshir A. Langrana, Stephen C. Danforth, Ahmad Safari and Mohsen Jafari
Solid Freeform Fabrication Using the Wirefeed Process 529
M.L. Griffith, M.T. Ensz, D.L. Greene, D.E. Reckaway, J.A. Romero, T.B. Crenshaw, L.D. Harwell, T.E. Buchheit and V. Tikare
A SFF Approach Utilizing Condensed Gas Precursors and Pulsed Laser Deposition 537
Erik Geiss and Harris L. Marcus
The Laser Microchemical Lathe: Rapid Freeform Part Fabrication from the Vapor Phase 543
K. Williams, N. Jaikumar, G. Saiprasanna, M. Hegler and J. Maxwell
Cooling Configurations for Rapid Tooling "A Comparison Study" 553
Vito Gervasi, Christopher J. Urban and Steven E. Gerritsma
A Vacuum Furnace Process for DTM's RapidSteel 2.0 Material 563
Klas Boivie and Torsten Kjellberg
MSOE TetraLattice™ “Applications and Simplified CAD Representation" 571
Vito R. Gervasi, Lisa M. Milkowski, James V. Canino and Rebecca J. Zick
Refrigerative Stereolithography for Support-Free and Accurate Fabrication 583
Akiva Kamimura, Tamotsu Murakami and Naomasa Nakajima
An Experimental and Analytical Study of Ice Part Fabrication with Rapid Freeze Prototyping 591
Wei Zhang, Ming C. Leu, Guanghua Sui and Zhiming Ji
Direct Thick Layer rapid Prototyping from Medical Images 599
Peter B. Chamberlain and Charles L. Thomas
Rapid Prototyping by Injection Molding 607
Shaun D. Compton, Charles L. Thomas and Vipul Lotke
Rapid Tooling of Ceramic Parts and Molds Using High-Pressure?Slip Casting of Si3N4 615
Rolf Pfeifer, Liwu Wang and Peter Eyerer
Rapid Tooling of Al2O3 Parts Using Temperature Induced Forming 623
Rolf Pfeifer, Liwu Wang and Peter Eyerer
Fast Ink-Jet Based Process 631
I. Ederer, H. Seitz and A. Welisch
Extrusion and Deposition of Semi-Solid Metals 639
Steffi Finke, William Wei and Frits Feenstra
Electrophotographic Powder Deposition for Freeform Fabrication 647
Ashok V. Kumar and Hongxin Zhang
Direct Generation of Metal Parts and Tools by Selective Laser Powder Remelting (SLPR) 655
W. Meiners, C. Over, K. Wissenbach and R. Poprawe
Design and Evaluation of a Novel Laser-Cutting Machine for Computer-Aided Manufacturing of Laminated Engineering Materials 663
Sangeun Choi and Wyatt S. Newman
Fused Deposition Modeling in Microgravity 671
Robert Crockett, Dan Petersen and Ken Cooper
Automated Loading and Unloading of FDM Systems 679
Øivind Brockmeier, Christopher Westcott and Jan Helge Bøhn
Additive/Subtractive Material Processing for Mesoscopic Parts 687
Yih-Lin Cheng, Jurgen Stampfl, Rudolf Leitgeb and Fritz B. Prinz
The Sand Painter: Two-Dimensional Powder Deposition 695
Joseph Pegna, Stéphane Pattofatto, Raphael Berge, Carol Bangalan, Henry Herring, Mathias LeSaux and Jason Engler
Accuracy Study on Laminated Object Manufacturing for the Metallic Functional Parts with Complex Surface 711
Yi Shuping, Tamotsu Murakami and Naomasa Nakajima
Spin Casting as a Tool in Rapid Prototyping (Centrifugal Rubber Mould Casting) 719
L.J. Barnard
Reducing Part Deformation by Inducing Phase Transformation 727
Gayle Link, Tanya Huntley, Alex Nickel, Rudolf Leitgeb, Tony Nguyen and Fritz Prinz
Controlling. Heat Input, Spatter and Weld Penetration in GMA Welding for Solid Freeform Fabrication 743
I. Kmecko, D. Hu and R. Kovacevic
Contour Crafting -State of Development 743
Behrokh Khoshnevis
The Maitreya Project: Large Scale Prototyping a Case Study 751
Alair Griffin and Charles Thomas
Hard Metal Tooling via SFF of Ceramics and Powder Metallurgy 759
Mukesh Agarwala, Donald Klosterman, Nora Osborne , Allan Lightman, Robert Dzugan, Geoff Rhodes and Christian Nelson
Applications of FFF in the Metal Casting Industry 767
Rui Jiang, Wanlong Wang and James G. Conley
Fabrication of Metal Components Using FDMet: Fused Deposition of Metals 775
Guohua Wu, Noshir A. Langrana, Sriram Rangarajan, Ryan McCuiston, Rajendra Sadanji, Stephen Danforth and Ahmad Safari
Assessment of Environmental Performance of Rapid Prototyping and Rapid Tooling Processes 783
Yanchun Luo, Ming C. Leu and Zhiming Ji
3D Welding and Milling -A Direct Approach for Fabrication of Injection Molds 793
Yong-Ak Song, Sehyung Park, Haeseong Jee, Doosun Choi and Bosung Shin
Rapid Tooling by Integrating Electroforming and Solid Freeform Fabrication Techniques 801
Bo Yang and Ming C. Leu
Rapid Tooling for Injection Molding of Rubbers 809
J. Eschl, T. Blumenstock and P. Eyerer
Investigation of Reinforced Ceramic Molds for Resin Patterns 817
Shirong He, Hiroyuki Yoshiura and Chiaki Mori
Direct Manufacture of Spatially Engineered Components for Aerospace Applications by Fused Deposition of Ceramics 825
Charles Gasdaska, Vikram R. Jamalabad, Daniel Dalfonzo, Thomas Paterson, Liang Xue and Lee Poandl
Production Strategies for Production-.Quality Parts for Aerospace Applications 833
J.D. Cawley, J.E. Best, Z. Liu, A.J. Eckel, B.D. Reed, D.S Fox and R. Bhatt
Stereolithography Patterns for Investment Casting: Prototyping to Production 841
Curtis Wahlgren and Suresh Jayanthi
Manufacturing High Resolution Parts with Stereolithography Method 849
Carsten Tille, Ralf Deuke and Rico Eidam
Application of Solid Freeform Fabrication Technology to NASA Exploration Missions 857
Kevin Watson, Dan Petersen and Robert Crockett
Three-Dimensional Printing, 3DPtm of Electronic Ceramic Components 865
S. Uhland, R. Holman, B. DeBear, P. Saxton, M. Cima, E. Sachs, Y. Enokido and H. Tsuchiya
Rapid Prototyping & Tooling in China 873
Yongnian Yan, Wanlong Wang, Renji Zhang and Lihua Lin
Rapid Prototyping as an Instructional and Recruitment Tool for Attracting Qualified High-School Students to Engineering as a Career Option 883
R. Umashankar, C. Choi, A. Ortega, R. Vaidyanathan, G. Artz, T. Anderson and A. Mulligan