(page xvii)
JOM Abstracts
(page xix)
Manufacturability Analysis Tool for Additive Manufacturing Using Voxel-Based Geometric Modeling
Saish Tedia and Christopher B. Williams
(page 3)
A Facet Cluster-Based Method for Alternative Build Orientation Generation in Additive Manufacturing
Yicha Zhang, Ramy Harik, Wout De Backer, and Alain Bernard
(page 23)
Fully Three-Dimensional Toolpath Generation for Point-Based Additive Manufacturing Systems
Maxwell K. Micali and David Dornfeld
(page 36)
Mass Customization: Reuse of Topology Information to Accelerate Slicing Process for Additive Manufacturing
Hang Ye, Chi Zhou, and Wenyao Xu
(page 53)
A Real-Time Communication Architecture for Metal Powder Bed Fusion Additive Manufacturing
Alexander J. Dunbar, Abdalla R. Nassar, Edward W. Reutzel, and Jared J. Blecher
(page 67)
Supporting the Decision Process for Applying Additive Manufacturing in the MRO Aerospace Business by MADM
Gereon Deppe and Rainer Koch
(page 81)
Cost Efficient Design and Planning for Additive Manufacturing Technologies
Christian Lindemann and Rainer Koch
(page 93)
Laser Path Planning and Power Control Strategies for Powder Bed Fusion Systems
H. Yeung, J. Neira, B. Lane, J. Fox, and F. Lopez
(page 113)
Unified Software for Multi-Functional G-Code: A Method for Implementing Multi-Technology Additive Manufacturing
E. Aguilera, C. Bailey, D. Espalin, E. MacDonald, and R. Wicker
(page 128)
Three-Dimensional Finite Element Thermal Analysis in Selective Laser Melting of Al-Al₂O₃ Powder
Quanquan Han, Rossitza Setchi, Sam L. Evans, and Chunlei Qiu
(page 131)
Modal Response as a Validation Technique for Metal Parts Fabricated with Selective Laser Melting
Joshua D. Pribe, Brian M. West, Michelle L. Gegel, Troy Hartwig, Toby Lunn, Ben Brown, Douglas A. Bristow, Robert G. Landers, and Edward C. Kinzel
(page 151)
Effects of Inter-Layer Time Interval on Temperature Gradients in Direct Laser Deposited Ti-6Al-4V
Mohammad Masoomi, Scott M. Thompson, Nima Shamsaei, and Linkan Bian
(page 175)
Planning the Process Parameters during Direct Metal Deposition of Functionally Graded Thin-Walled Parts Based on a 2D Model
Jingyuan Yan, Ilenia Battiato, and Georges M. Fadel
(page 185)
An Investigation into Melt Pool Effective Thermal Conductivity for Thermal Modeling of Powder-Bed Electron Beam Additive Manufacturing
Subin Shrestha, Bo Cheng, and Kevin Chou
(page 207)
Numerical Investigation of Laser Absorption by Metal Powder Bed in Selective Laser Sintering Processes
Xuxiao Li and Wenda Tan
(page 219)
Efficient Multiscale Prediction of Cantilever Distortion by Selective Laser Melting
C. Li, J. F. Liu, and Y.B. Guo
(page 236)
Particle-Scale Melt Modeling of the Selective Laser Melting Process
D. Moser, M. Cullinan, and J. Murthy
(page 247)
Simulating the Microstructural Evolution of a Selective Laser Melted AA-2024
Omar López, Uriel Martínez-Hernández, José Ramírez, Christophe Pinna, and Kamran Mumtaz
(page 257)
Three-Dimensional Numerical Simulation of Arc and Metal Transport for Stacking Deposition in Arc Welding Based Additive Manufacturing
Xiangman Zhou, Haiou Zhang, and Guilan Wang
(page 268)
Modeling and Experimental Investigation of Pre-Mixed Multi-Powder Flow in Fabricating Functional Gradient Material by Laser Metal Deposition Process
W. Li, J.W. Zhang, S. Karnati, Y.L. Zhang, F. Liou, J. Newkirk, K.M.B. Taminger, and W.L. Seufzer
(page 286)
Finite Element Modeling of Hybrid Additive Manufacturing by Laser Shock Peening
M.P. Sealy, G. Madireddy, C. Li, and Y.B. Guo
(page 306)
An Elasto/Plastic Model of the Ultrasonic Additive Manufacturing
Q. Mao, N. Coutris, and G.M. Fadel
(page 317)
The Effect of Nanoparticle Clustering on Optoelectronic Property
Anil Yuksel, Michael Cullinan, and Jayathi Murthy
(page 341)
Estimating the Effects of Part Size on Direct Laser Deposition Parameter Selection via a Thermal Resistance Network Approach
Garrett J. Marshall, Scott M. Thompson, Steve R. Daniewicz, and Nima Shamsaei
(page 350)
Part-Scale Model for Fast Prediction of Thermal Distortion in DMLS Additive Manufacturing; Part 1: A Thermal Circuit Network Model
Hao Peng, David B. Go, Rick Billo, Shan Gong, M. Ravi Shankar, Bernice Aboud Gatrell,
Joseph Budzinski, Pierre Ostiguy, Ross Attardo, Charles Tomonto, Joel Neidig, and David Hoelzle
(page 365)
Part-Scale Model for Fast Prediction of Thermal Distortion in DMLS Additive Manufacturing; Part 2: A Quasi-Static Thermomechanical Model
Hao Peng, David B. Go, Rick Billo, Shan Gong, M. Ravi Shankar, Bernice Aboud Gatrell,
Joseph Budzinski, Pierre Ostiguy, Ross Attardo, Charles Tomonto, Joel Neidig, and David Hoelzle
(page 382)
Numerical Transient Heat Transfer Analysis of Multi Laser Track on Powder Bed of Ni-Based Alloy
T.-T. Ikeshoj, H. Kyogok, M. Yonehara, M. Araki, and K. Nakamura
(page 398)
Challenges in Assessing the Sustainability of Wire + Arc Additive Manufacturing for Large Structures
Anne C.M. Bekker, Jouke C. Verlinden, and Giorgia Galimberti
(page 406)
Effect of Process Gas and Powder Quality on Aluminum Alloys Processed by Laser Based Powder Bed Melting Process
D.M. Bauer, K. Dietrich, M. Walter, P. Forêt, F. Palm, and G. Witt
(page 419)
Laser Additive Manufacturing Processing of a Mixture of Iron and Nickel Powders
Joseph Tunick Strauss and Michael J. Stucky
(page 426)
In-Situ Preheating in Hybrid Layered Manufacturing for Tooling Elements
Fisseha Legesse, Sajan Kapil, Rimpy Chabra, Arun Sharma, and K.P. Karunakaran
(page 438)
Microstructural Characterization of MAR-M247 Fabricated through Scanning Laser Epitaxy
Amrita Basak and Suman Das
(page 448)
Carbide Formation in Nickel-Base Superalloy MAR-M247 Processed through Scanning Laser Epitaxy (SLE)
Amrita Basak and Suman Das
(page 460)
Research Updates on the Additive Manufacturing of Nickel Based Superalloys
Sankaranarayanan Seetharaman, Manickavasagam Krishnan, Francis Goh Chung Wen, Niaz Ahmed Khan, and Gary Ng Ka Lai
(page 469)
An Investigation of the Dendritic Segregation in Single-Crystal René N5 Fabricated through Scanning Laser Epitaxy
Amrita Basak and Suman Das
(page 487)
Fatigue Behavior and Failure Mechanisms of Direct Laser Deposited Inconel 718
Alexander S. Johnson, Shao Shuai, Nima Shamsaei, Scott M. Thompson, and Linkan Bian
(page 499)
Compressive Property Comparisons between Laser Engineered Net Shaping of In Situ TiBw-TMCs and CP-Ti Materials
Yingbin Hu, Hui Wang, Fuda Ning, Weilong Cong, and Yuzhou Li
(page 512)
Micro-Crack Formation and Controlling of Inconel625 Parts Fabricated by Selective Laser Melting
Li Shuai, Qingsong Wei, Yusheng Shi, Jie Zhang, and Li Wei
(page 520)
Morphology and Grain Texture in As-Deposited and Heat Treated Inconel 718 Structures Produced Using Laser-Based Powder Bed Fusion
David B. Saint John, Sanjay B. Joshi, Timothy W. Simpson, Meng Qu, John David Rowatt, and Yucun Lou
(page 530)
A Preliminary Examination of Variability Due to Build Location and Powder Feedstock in Additive Manufacture of Inconel 718 Using Laser-Based Powder Bed Fusion
David B. Saint John, Sanjay B. Joshi, Timothy W. Simpson, Meng Qu, John David Rowatt, and Yucun Lou
(page 542)
Effect of Heat Treatment of 316L Stainless Steel Produced by Selective Laser Melting (SLM)
M.L. Montero Sistiaga, S. Nardone , C. Hautfenne, and J. Van Humbeeck
(page 558)
Effect of Scanning Methods in the Selective Laser Melting of 316L/TiC Nanocomposities
B. AlMangour, D. Grzesiak, and J.M. Yang
(page 566)
The Effect of Location on the Structure and Mechanical Properties of Selective Laser Melted 316L Stainless Steel
E. Fitzgerald and W. Everhart
(page 574)
In-Situ TiC Particle Reinforced 316L Stainless Steel Matrix Nanocomposites: Powder Preparation by Mechanical Alloying and Selective Laser Melting Behaviour
B. AlMangour, D. Grzesiak, and J.M. Yang
(page 584)
Investigation of Tensile Properties of Bulk and SLM Fabricated 304L Stainless Steel Using Various Gage Length Specimens
S. Karnati, I. Axelsen, F.F. Liou, and J.W. Newkirk
(page 592)
Effect of Build Orientation on the Fatigue Behavior of Stainless Steel 316L Manufactured via a Laser-Powder Bed Fusion Process
Rakish Shrestha, Jutima Simsiriwong, Nima Shamsaei, Scott M. Thompson, and Linkan Bian
(page 605)
Microstructural and Mechanical Performance Of Al₂O₃ Nanoparticle Reinforced 17-4 PH Stainless Steel Bulk Composite Parts Fabricated by Laser Engineered Net Shaping Process
Fuda Ning, Yingbin Hu, Zhichao Liu, Hui Wang, Weilong Cong, and Yuzhou Li
(page 617)
Investigation of Heat-Affected 304L SS Powder and Its Effect on Built Parts in Selective Laser Melting
Caitlin S. Kriewall, Austin T. Sutton, Ming C. Leu, Joseph W. Newkirk, and Ben Brown
(page 625)
Elevated Temperature Microstructure Stability of SLM 304L Stainless Steel
Tarak Amine and Joseph Newkirk
(page 640)
Multi-Objective Process Optimization of Additive Manufacturing: A Case Study on Geometry Accuracy Optimization
Amir M. Aboutaleb, Linkan Bian, Nima Shamsaei, Scott M. Thompson, and Prahalad K. Rao
(page 656)
Impact of Directed Energy Deposition Parameters on Mechanical Distortion of Laser Deposited Ti-6Al-4V
David J. Corbin, Abdalla R. Nassar, Edward W. Reutzel, Nathan A. Kistler, Allison M. Beese, and Pan Michaleris
(page 670)
Simulation of Cooling Rate Effects on Ti-48Al-2Cr-2Nb Crack Formation in Direct Laser Deposition
Lei Yan, Wei Li, Xueyang Chen, Yunlu Zhang, Joe Newkirk, Frank Liou, and David Dietrich
(page 680)
Recent Progress of Additive Manufactured Ti-6Al-4V by Electron Beam Melting
Pan Wang, Mui Ling Sharon Nai, Xipeng Tan, Guglielmo Vastola, Srinivasan Raghavan, Wai Jack Sin, Shu Beng Tor, Qing Xiang Pei, and Jun Wei
(page 691)
Dependence of Microstructure and Mechanical Properties on Heat Treat Cycles of Electron Beam Melted Ti-6Al-4V
S. Raghavan, Mui Ling Sharon Nai, Pan Wang, Wai Jack Sin, Tao Li, and Jun Wei
(page 705)
Effect of Powder Particle Size on the Fabrication of Ti-6Al-4V Using Direct Laser Metal Deposition from Elemental Powder Mixture
Xueyang Chen, Lei Yan, Wei Li, Frank Liou, and Joe Newkirk
(page 714)
Selective Laser Melting of Pure Tin: Microstructure Study
C.Y. Yap, Z. Du, C.K. Chua, and Z.L. Dong
(page 723)
Understanding Sources of Defects in Polyimide Films Using Aerosol Based Printing
J.M. Lavin, D.M Keicher, S.R. Whetten, P.B. Moore, and S.S. Mani
(page 729)
Characterizing Material Transition for Functionally Graded Material Using Big Area Additive Manufacturing
Zeke Sudbury, Chad Duty, Vlastimil Kunc, Vidya Kishore, Christine Ajinjeru, Jordan Failla, and John Lindahl
(page 738)
Investigation of Fiber Reinforced Composite Using Multi-Material 3D Printing
Y.L. Yap, V. Dikshit, S.P. Lionar, H. Yan, J.C. Lim, X. Qi, W.Y. Yeong, and J. Wei
(page 748)
The Influence of Rheology on Melt Processing Conditions of Amorphous Thermoplastics for Big Area Additive Manufacturing (BAAM)
Christine Ajinjeru, Vidya Kishore, Xun Chen, John Lindahl, Zeke Sudbury, Ahmed Arabi Hassen, Vlastimil Kunc, Brian Post, Lonnie Love, and Chad Duty
(page 754)
Novel Approaches for the Production of Polymer Powders for Selective Laser Beam Melting of Polymers
J. Schmidt, M. Sachs, S. Fanselow, K.-E. Wirth, and W. Peukert
(page 762)
Aging Behavior of Polyamide 12: Interrelation between Bulk Characteristics and Part Properties
K. Wudy and D. Drummer
(page 770)
A Review of Selective Laser Sintering of Wood-Plastic Composites
Hui Zhang, Yanling Guo, Kaiyi Jiang, David L. Bourell, Dejin Zhao, Yueqiang Yu, Puxuan Wang, and Zhipeng Li
(page 782)
Evaluation of Processing Variables in Large Area Polymer Sintering of Single Layer Components
Justin Nussbaum, Garrett Craft, Julie Harmon, and Nathan Crane
(page 793)
A High-Performance Material for Aerospace Applications: Development of Carbon Fiber Filled PEKK for Laser Sintering
S. Fischer, A. Pfister, V. Galitz, B. Lyons, C. Robinson, K. Rupel, R. Booth, and S. Kubiak
(page 808)
Influence of Laser Power on Morphology and Properties of Laser-Sintered UHMWPE
Y. Khalil, N. Hopkinson, A. Kowalski, and J.P.A. Fairclough
(page 814)
Powder Life Cycle Analyses for a New Polypropylene Laser Sintering Material
A. Wegner and T. Ünlü
(page 834)
Influence of Embedding Process on Mechanical Properties of Material Extrusion Parts
Swapnil Sinha and Nicholas A. Meisel
(page 847)
Additive Manufacturing of Carbon Fiber and Graphene – Polymer Composites Using the Technique of Fused Deposition Modelling
Jordan Girdis, Matthew McCaffrey, and Gwénaëlle Proust
(page 864)
Filled Thermoconductive Plastics for Fused Filament Fabrication
T. Mulholland, A. Falke, and N. Rudolph
(page 871)
Mechanical Behavior of Carbon Fiber Composites Produced with Fused Filament Fabrication
D. Jiang and D.E. Smith
(page 884)
Cotton Fibers in 3D Printing
Alexa Kearns, Nasim Farahbakhsh, Richard Venditti, and Jesse Jur
(page 899)
Additive Manufacturing of High Performance Semicrystalline Thermoplastics and Their Composites
Vidya Kishore, Xun Chen, Christine Ajinjeru, Ahmed Arabi Hassen, John Lindahl, Jordan Failla, Vlastimil Kunc, and Chad Duty
(page 906)
Properties of Partially Stabilized Zirconia Components Fabricated by the Ceramic On-Demand Extrusion Process
Wenbin Li, Amir Ghazanfari, Devin McMillen, Ming C. Leu, Gregory E. Hilmas, and Jeremy Watts
(page 916)
Designed Extrudate for Additive Manufacturing of Zirconium Diboride by Ceramic On-Demand Extrusion
Devin McMillen, Wenbin Li, Ming C. Leu, Gregory E. Hilmas, and Jeremy Watts
(page 929)
Analyzing the Tensile, Compressive, and Flexural Properties of 3D Printed ABS P430 Plastic Based on Printing Orientation Using Fused Deposition Modeling
R. Hernandez, D. Slaughter, D. Whaley, J. Tate, and B. Asiabanpour
(page 939)
Predicting Strength of Thermoplastic Polymer Parts Produced Using Additive Manufacturing
Joseph Bartolai, Timothy W. Simpson, and Renxuan Xie
(page 951)
Effects of Build Parameters on Compression Properties for ULTEM 9085 Parts by Fused Deposition Modeling
Krishna P. Motaparti , Gregory Taylor , Ming C. Leu , K. Chandrashekhara , James Castle, and Mike Matlack
(page 964)
Selective Laser Sintering of Low Density, Low Coefficient of Thermal Expansion Silica Parts
John M. Hostetler, Jonathan T. Goldstein, Augustine M. Urbas, Rodrigo E. Gutierrez, Theresa E. Bender, Charles S. Wojnar, and Edward C. Kinzel
(page 978)
Production of Polybutylene Terephthalate Glass Composite Powders and Characterization for Processing in Selective Laser Sintering
Jochen Schmidt, Juan Gómez Bonilla, Marius Sachs, Lydia Lanzl, Katrin Wudy, Karl-Ernst Wirth, Dietmar Drummer, and Wolfgang Peukert
(page 989)
Bubble Formation in Additive Manufacturing of Borosilicate Glass
Junjie Luo, Theresa Bender, Douglas A. Bristow, Robert G. Landers, Jonathan T. Goldstein, Augustine M. Urbas, and Edward C. Kinzel
(page 998)
Powders for Additive Manufacturing Processes: Characterization Techniques and Effects on Part Properties
Austin T. Sutton, Caitlin S. Kriewall, Ming C. Leu, and Joseph W. Newkirk
(page 1004)
A Method for Measuring Powder Bed Density in Binder Jet Additive Manufacturing Process and the Powder Feedstock Characteristics Influencing the Powder Bed Density
A.M. Elliott, P. Nandwana, D. Siddel, and B.G. Compton
(page 1031)
A Smooth Toolpath Generation Method for Laser Metal Deposition
Renwei Liu, Zhiyuan Wang, Yunlu Zhang, Todd Sparks, and Frank Liou
(page 1038)
Integration of Voxel Based and Source Based Representation for Computer Aided Design of Functional Gradient Materials
Fangquan Wang, Frank Liou, and Todd Sparks
(page 1047)
Characterization of Feedstock in the Powder Bed Fusion Process: Sources of Variation in Particle Size Distribution and the Factors that Influence Them
J. Whiting and J. Fox
(page 1057)
Preliminary Testing of Nanoparticle Effectiveness in Binder Jetting Applications
Alta C. Bailey, Abbey Merriman, Amelia Elliott, and Mufeed M. Basti
(page 1069)
Continuous Fiber Angle Topology Optimization for Polymer Fused Filament Fabrication
R. Hoglund and D.E. Smith
(page 1078)
Process Development
Optimization of Low One-Photon Polymerization for Hydrostatic 3D Printing of Silicone Material
Dong Sung (Danny) Kim, Steven Thompson, Melissa Grunlan, and Bruce L. Tai
(page 1093)
Laser Line Scan Characterization of Geometric Profiles in Laser Metal Deposition
M. Gegel, A. Nisbett, D. Bristow, and R.G. Landers
(page 1103)
Understanding the Laser Sinterting of Polymers at Microscale Level by Using X-Ray Computed Tomography
Michele Pavan, Tom Craeghs, Jean-Pierre Kruth, and Wim Dewulf
(page 1112)
Real Time Monitoring of Exposure Controlled Projection Lithography with Time-Varying Scanning Points
Changxuan Zhao, Amit S. Jariwala and David W. Rosen
(page 1126)
Design, Developments, and Results from the NIST Additive Manufacturing Metrology Testbed (AMMT)
B. Lane, S. Mekhontsev, S. Grantham, M.L. Vlasea, J. Whiting, H. Yeung, J. Fox, C. Zarobila, J. Neira,
M. McGlauflin, L. Hanssen, S. Moylan, A. Donmez, and J. Rice
(page 1145)
Scalable Linking of Slice Layer Information with Process Monitoring Data in Additive Manufacturing Machines
A. Angrish, S. Singh, X. Shen, Y.S. Lee, P. Cohen, and B. Starly
(page 1161)
The Economics of Big Area Additive Manufacturing
B.K. Post, R.F. Lind, P.D. Lloyd, V. Kunc, J.M. Linhal, and L.J. Love
(page 1176)
Additive Fabrication of 3D Structures by Holographic Lithography
Maxim Shusteff, Robert M. Panas, Johannes Henriksson, Brett E. Kelly, Allison E.M. Browar, Nicholas X. Fang, and Christopher M. Spadaccini
(page 1183)
Large Scale Fused Deposition Modeling: The Effect of Processing Parameters on Bead Geometry
N. Spinnie and D.E. Smith
(page 1193)
Contoured 3D Printing of Fiber Reinforced Polymers
L.Y.L. Tse, S. Kapila, and K. Barton
(page 1205)
Material Waste of Commercial FDM Printers under Realstic Conditions
Ruoyu Song and Cassandra Telenko
(page 1217)
Impact of Raw Material Commoditization on Supply Chains
S.H. Khajavi, G. Deng, J. Holmström and P. Puukko
(page 1230)
Proposed Hybrid Processes for Part Building Using Fusion Welding and Friction Stir Processing
Megan Gegesky, Frank Liou and Joseph Newkirk
(page 1237)
Strengthening ABS, Nylon, and Polyester 3D Printed Parts by Stress Tensor Aligned Deposition Paths and Five-Axis Printing
William S. Yerazunis, John C. Barnwell III, and Daniel N. Nikovski
(page 1259)
Effect of Inter-Layer Time Interval on the Mechanical Behavior of Direct Laser Deposited Ti-6Al-4V
Brian Torries, Shuai Shao, Nima Shamsaei, and Scott M. Thompson
(page 1272)
Laser Engineered Net Shaping of Metal Powders: A Study on Energy Consumption
Z.C. Liu, F.D. Ning, W.L. Cong, and H.C. Zhang
(page 1283)
Process Optimization of Aerosol Based Printing of Polyimide for Capacitor Application
D.M. Keicher, J.M. Lavin, L.N. Appelhans, S.R. Whetten, M. Essien, S.S. Mani, P.B. Moore, A. Cook, N.A. Acree,
N.P. Young, and M.J. Russell
(page 1292)
Profiling and Optimizing the Geometric Accuracy of Additively Manufactured Components via Self-Organizing Map
Mojtaba Khanzadeh, Ruholla Jafari Marandi, M.Samie Tootooni, Linkan Bian, Brian Smith, and Prahalad Rao
(page 1303)
Design and Realization of a 6 Degree of Freedom Robotic Extrusion Platform
Joseph R. Kubalak, Craig D. Mansfield, Taylor H. Pesek, Zachary K. Snow, Edward B. Cottiss,
Oliver D. Ebeling-Koning, Matthew G. Price, Mark H. Traverso, L. David Tichnell, Christopher B. Williams, and Alfred L. Wicks
(page 1314)
Electropolishing of Ti6Al4V Parts Fabricated by Electron Beam Melting
L. Yang, Yan Wu, Austin Lassell, and Bin Zhou
(page 1333)
Fiber Encapsulation Additive Manufacturing: Materials for Electrical Junction Fabrication
B. Xia, M. Saari, B. Cox, E. Richer, P.S. Krueger, and A.L. Cohen
(page 1345)
Cleated Print Surface for Fused Deposition Modeling
C.S. Shafer, D.H. Siddel, A.L. Merriman, and A.M. Elliott
(page 1359)
In-Process Monitoring of Cross Contamination in Laser Powder Bed Fusion (L-PBF) Additive Manufacturing (AM)
M. Jamshidinia, P. Boulware, J. Marchal, H. Mendoza, L. Cronley, S. Kelly, and S. Newhouse
(page 1366)
In-Situ Laser Control Method for Polymer Selective Laser Sintering (SLS)
Tim Phillips, Austin McElroy, Scott Fish, and Joseph Beaman
(page 1381)
In-Situ Process Monitoring and Ex-Situ Part Quality Assessment of Selective Laser Sintering Using Optical Coherence Tomography
Adam Lewis, Michael Gardner, Austin McElroy, Thomas Milner, Scott Fish, and Joseph Beaman
(page 1397)
In-Situ Quality Inspection of Laser Powder-Bed Fusion Using High-Resolution Visual Camera Images
Masoumeh Aminzadeh and Thomas Kurfess
(page 1412)
Multi-Beam Strategies for the Optimization of the Selective Laser Melting Process
T. Heeling, L. Zimmermann, and K. Wegener
(page 1428)
Experimental Implementation and Investigation of Real-Time Metrology for Exposure Controlled Projection Lithography
Xiayun Zhao, Jenny M. Wang, Changxuan Zhao, Amit Jariwala, and David W. Rosen
(page 1439)
In-Situ Detection of Build Defects in Additive Manufacturing via Impedance-Based Monitoring
Logan Sturm, Mohammed Albakri, Christopher B. Williams, and Pablo Tarazaga
(page 1458)
Illumination and Image Processing for Real-Time Control of Directed Energy Deposition Additive Manufacturing
D. Seltzer, J.L. Schiano, A. R. Nassar, and E.W. Reutzel
(page 1479)
Porosity Detection of Laser Based Additive Manufacturing Using Melt Pool Morphology Clustering
Mojtaba Khanzadeh, Linkan Bian, Nima Shamsaei, and Scott M. Thompson
(page 1487)
Design of a Micro-Scale Selective Laser Sintering System
Nilabh K. Roy, Chee S. Foong, and Michael A. Cullinan
(page 1495)
A Novel Extrusion-Based Additive Manufacturing Process for Ceramic Parts
Amir Ghazanfari, Wenbin Li, Ming C. Leu, and Gregory E. Hilmas
(page 1509)
Dimensional Accuracy of Small Parts Manufactured by Micro Selective Laser Melting
Michael Kniepkamp, Jakob Fischer, and Eberhard Abele
(page 1530)
Variables Impacting Feature Definition of Polyimide Using Syringe Based Printing
S.R. Whetten, J.M. Lavin, D.M. Keicher, L.N. Appelhans, M. Essien, S. S. Mani, P.B. Moore, A. Cook,
N.A. Acree, N.P. Young, and M.J. Russell
(page 1538)
Vibration Assisted Robotic Hot-Wire Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW) for Additive Manufacturing of Large Metallic Parts
Michael Santangelo, Bishal Silwal, and Alexander Purdy
(page 1548)
In-Situ Non-Destructive Evaluation of Ultrasonic Additive Manufactured Components
Venkata Karthik Nadimpalli, Jeong K. Na, Darren T. Bruner, Brenna A. King, Li Yang, and Brent E. Stucker
(page 1557)
A Reconfigurable System to Enhance the Work Envelope of a Solid Freeform Fabrication System
Rajeev Dwivedi, Ayush Sinha, Pranav Ebburu, Yash Saxena, Shabab Haque, and Shaunak Kulkarni
(page 1568)
Selective Separation Sintering for Metallic Part Fabrication
Behrokh Khoshnevis and Jing Zhang
(page 1584)
Polymer Spray Deposition: A Novel Aerosol-Based, Electrostatic Digital Deposition System for Additive Manufacturing
David M. Johnson, Victor Beck, Michael Valente, Armin Völkel, Norine Chang, Arun Jose, Cory Lancaster, Dave Biegelsen, and Scott Elrod
(page 1594)
Dissolvable Metal Supports for Printed Metal Parts
Christopher S. Lefky, Abdalla R. Nassar, Timothy Simpson, and Owen J. Hildreth
(page 1604)
3D-Printing Graphene Oxidize Based on Directional Freezing
Feng Zhang, Qiangqiang Zhang, Weston Grove, Dong Lin, and Chi Zhou
(page 1611)
Single Track of Selective Laser Melting Ti-6Al-4V Powder on Support Structure
Haijun Gong, Chong Teng, Kai Zeng, Deepankar Pal, Brent Stucker, J.J.S. Dilip, Jack Beuth, and John J. Lewandowski
(page 1621)
Statistical Process Control Application to Polymer Based SLS Process
S.O. Akande, K.W. Dalgarno, J. Munguia, and J. Pallari
(page 1634)
A Short Study on the Fabrication of Single Track Deposits in SLM and Characterization
J.J.S. Dilip, Ashabul Anam, Deepankar Pal, and Brent Stucker
(page 1644)
Variation of Emittivity with Powder Bed Fusion Build Parameters
J.C. Heigel, B.M. Lane, and S.P. Moylan
(page 1660)
Spectral Analysis of Infrared Lamps for Use in the High Speed Sintering Process
Farhana Norazman, Patrick Smith, and Neil Hopkinson
(page 1670)
3D Printing Enabled-Redistributed Manufacturing of Medical Devices
J. Munguia, T. Honey, Y. Zhang, M. Drinnan, C. Di Maria, A. Bray, and M. Withaker
(page 1680)
3D Inkjetting Droplet Formation of Bacterial Cellulosic Exopolysaccharide Gel
Daniel Aguiar, Amanda Albuquerque, and Bingbing Li
(page 1687)
Applications of 3D Topography Scanning and Multi-Material Additive Manufacturing for Facial Prosthesis
Development and Production
Mazher I. Mohammed, Joseph Tatineni, Brenton Cadd, Greg Peart, and Ian Gibson
(page 1695)
Customised Design and Development of Patient Specific 3D Printed Whole Mandible Implant
Mazher I. Mohammed, Angus P. Fitzpatrick, Santosh K. Malyala, and Ian Gibson
(page 1708)
3D Printing of a Polymer Bioactive Glass Composite for Bone Repair
C. Murphy, K.C.R. Kolan, M. Long, W. Li, M.C. Leu, J.A. Semon, and D.E. Day
(page 1718)
Microstereolithography of Tissue Scaffolds Using a Biodegradable Photocurable Polyester
Nicholas A. Chartrain, Maria Vratsanos, Dung T. Han, Justin M. Sirrine, Allison Pekkanen, Timothy E. Long, Abby R. Whittington, and Christopher B. Williams
(page 1732)
Designing Functional Beauty through Additive Manufacturing: Prototyping of Running-Specific Prostheses Using Selective Laser Sintering
Shoichi Sato, Naoyuki Togo, and Shunji Yamanaka
(page 1749)
Characterization and Testing of 3D Printed Sprockets
Rohit K. Srinivasan
(page 1768)
Additively Manufactured Fasteners
Amber Dressler, William Scharnberg, Anthony Abousleiman, Samantha Harris, and Phil New
(page 1791)
Exploring Variability in Shape Memory Properties of Stereolithography Printed Parts
Y.Y.C. Choong, M. Saeed, H. Eng, P.-C. Su, and J. Wei
(page 1807)
Embedding Fibre Optical Sensors into SLM Parts
Philipp Stoll, Jinesh Mathew, Adriaan Spierings, Thomas Bauer, Robert R.J. Maier, and Konrad Wegener
(page 1815)
3D-Printable Electronics - Integration of SMD Placement and Wiring into the Slicing Process for FDM Fabrication
Florens Wasserfall, Daniel Ahlers, Norman Hendrich, Jianwei Zhang
(page 1826)
Additive Manufacturing of High Resolution Embedded Electronic Systems
T. Wasley, J. Li , D. Ta, J. Shephard, J. Stringer, P. Smith, E. Esenturk, C. Connaughton, and R. Kay
(page 1838)
Microstructure and Electro-Magnetic Properties of a Nickel-Based Anti-Magnetic Shielding Alloy
T. Bauer, A.B. Spierings, and K. Wegener
(page 1856)
Towards a New Techno-Aesthetic Paradigm: Experiments with Pattern, Texture and Colour in 3D-Printed Wood-Plastic Composites
J. Mai, C. Thistleton, S.K. Löschke, G. Proust, and A. Dong
(page 1868)
Energy and Emission Estimation Uncertainty in Fused Deposition Modeling for a Job-Shop
Lee M. Clemon
(page 1878)
Operator Burden in Metal Additive Manufacturing
A.M. Elliott and L.J. Love
(page 1890)
Designing a Power Tool to Show the Potentials of Additive Manufacturing - Effects of Additive Manufacturing on the Product Development Process
B. Leutenecker-Twelsiek, C. Klahn, and M. Meboldt
(page 1900)
Cost Impact of the Risk of Build Failure in Laser Sintering
M. Baumers and M. Holweg
(page 1910)
Approaches to Geometric Data Analysis on Big Area Additively Manufactured (BAAM) Parts
G.D. Dreifus, Y. Jin, N. Ally, and B.K. Post
(page 1921)
Conceptual Design for Assembly in the Context of Additive Manufacturing
S. Yang and Y.F. Zhao
(page 1931)
Equilibrium Saturation in Binder Jetting Additive Manufacturing Processes: Theoretical Model vs. Experimental Observeations
Hadi Miyanaji and Li Yang
(page 1945)
3D Printing Technology Insertion: Sociotechnical Barriers to Adoption
Shawn H. Chang and Bryan R. Moser
(page 1960)
Additive Manufacturing Process Design
Daniel Clymer, Jack Beuth, and Jonathan Cagan
(page 1976)
Certification Strategy for Additively Manufactured Structural Fittings
Robert M. Taylor, Joe Manzo, and Lori Flansburg
(page 1985)
Large Scale Metal Additive Techniques Review
A. Nycz, A.I. Adediran, M.W. Noakes, and L.J. Love
(page 2001)
Cost Modeling and Depreciation for Reused Powder Feedstocks in Powder Bed Fusion Additive Manufacturing
Michael Barclift, Sanjay Joshi, Timothy Simpson, and Corey Dickman
(page 2007)
Dimensional Accuracy of Titanium Direct Metal Laser Sintered Parts
W.F. Mitchell, D.C. Lang, T.A. Merdes, E.W. Reutzel, and G..S. Welsh
(page 2029)
Design of Fiber-Reinforced Cellular Structures with Tensegrity Behavior Manufactured Using 3D Printed Sand Molds
Nikhil Jorapur, Robert West, Christopher B. Williams, and Alan Druschitz
(page 2043)
Design and Fabrication of a Bistable Unit Actuator with Multi-Material Additive Manufacturing
T. Chen , J. Mueller , and K. Shea
(page 2060)
Manufacturability and Mechanical Characterization of Laser Sintered Lattice Structures
Stefan Josupeit, Patrick Delfs, Dennis Menge, and Hans-Joachim Schmid
(page 2077)
Mechanical Properties of Biocompatible 316L Steel Rhombic Dodecahedron Lattice Structures
V. Brøtan, O. Fergani, K. Sørby, and T. Welo
(page 2087)
A Validated Methodology for Predicting the Mechanical Behavior of ULTEM-9085 Honeycomb Structures Manufactured by Fused Deposition Modeling
D. Bhate, J. Van Soest, J. Reeher, D. Patel, D. Gibson, J. Gerbasi, and M. Finfrock
(page 2095)
Metal-Ceramic Composite Lattice Structures Using 3D Printed Sand Molds and Cores
A.P. Druschitz, S. Cowden, A. Dudley, S. Walsh, A. Weir, C.B. Williams, and B. Wood
(page 2107)
Automated Lattice Optimization of Hinge Fitting with Displacement Constraint
Vignesh Dakshnamoorthy and Robert M. Taylor
(page 2123)
Saving Weight with Metallic Lattice Structures: Design Challenges with a Real-World Example
S.N.R. Kantareddy, B.M. Roh, T.W. Simpson, S. Joshi, C. Dickman, and E.A. Lehtihet
(page 2139)
Investigations on Laser Sintered Textiles for Stab-Resistant Application
Jinhui Jiang, Mengqi Yuan, and Tingchao Ji
(page 2155)
Design for Additively Manufactured Lightweight Structure: A Perspective
L. Yang, O.L.A. Harrysson, D. Cormier, H. West, S. Zhang, H. Gong, and B. Stucker
(page 2165)
A Study about Size Effects of 3D Periodic Cellular Structures
L. Yang
(page 2181)
Implementation of Tophat Profile Laser into Low Temperature Process of Poly Phenylene Sulfide
Fumio Ito and Toshiki Niino
(page 2194)
Low Temperature Laser Sintering of PA Powder Using Fiber Laser
Yuki Yanauchi, Takashi Kigure, and Toshiki Niino
(page 2204)
Measured Energy Densities for Polyamide 12 and Comparison of Values Calculated for Laser Sintering
Antoine Chalancon and David Bourell
(page 2217)
3D Printing of Shape Changing Polymer Structures: Design and Characterization of Materials
S.N.R. Kantareddy, T.W. Simpson, Z. Ounaies, and M. Frecker
(page 2224)
Product Optimization with and for Additive Manufacturing
T. Reiher and R. Koch
(page 2236)
Design and Simulation of 3D Printed Air-Cooled Heat Exchangers
R.A. Felber, N. Rudolph, and G.F. Nellis
(page 2250)
Selectively Anodised Aluminium Foils as an Insulating Layer for Embedding Electronic Circuitry in a Metal Matrix via Ultrasonic Additive Manufacturing
A. Bournias-Varotsis, R.J. Friel, R.A. Harris, and D. Engstrom
(page 2260)
Investigating the Additive Manufacture of Extra-Terrestrial Materials
Athanasios Goulas, Daniel Southcott-Engstrøm, Ross J. Friel, and Russell A. Harris
(page 2271)
Performance of Sulfur Concrete in Planetary Applications of Contour Crafting
Xiao Yuan, Jing Zhang, Behnam Zahiri, and Behrokh Khoshnevis
(page 2282)
Impact of Vapor Polishing on Surface Roughness and Mechanical Properties for 3D Printed ABS
Clayton Neff, Matthew Trapuzzano, and Nathan B. Crane
(page 2295)
Surface Scanning Methods and Large-Scale FDM Printng for the Replication of Watercraft Layup Tooling
D.W. Nuttall, A.M. Elliott, B.K. Post, and L.J. Love
(page 2305)
Development of Novel Tapered Pin Fin Geometries for Additive Manufacturing of Compact Heat Exchangers
Julien Cohen and David L. Bourell
(page 2314)
Effect of Sparse-Build Internal Structure on Performance of Fused Deposition Modeling Tools under Pressure
S. Meng, L. Mason, G. Taylor, X. Wang, M. C. Leu, and K. Chandrashekhara
(page 2337)
Folding Endurance Appraisal for Thermoplastic Materials Printed in Fusion Deposition Technology
Cesar O. Balderrama-Armendariz, Eric MacDonald, Esdras D. Valadez, and David Espalin
(page 2348)
Optimisation of Substrate Angles for Three Dimensional Inkjet Printing of Multi-Functional and Multi-Material Parts
Jayasheelan Vaithilingam, Kasidis Laoboonmee, Ehab Saleh, Richard J.M. Hague, Ricky D. Wildman, and Christopher J. Tuck
(page 2358)
Investigating the Links between the Process Parameters and Their Influence on the Aesthetic Evaluation of Selective Laser Melted Parts
G. Galimberti, E.L. Doubrovski, M. Guagliano, B. Previtali, and J.C. Verlinden
(page 2367)
Design and Fabrication of Functionally Graded Components by Selective Laser Melting
C.N. Sun, S.Y. Choy, K.F. Leong, and J. Wei
(page 2387)
Production-Integrated Markings for Traceability of AM Parts in the Context of Industry 4.0
U. Jahnke, P.A. Bornefeld, and R. Koch
(page 2394)
Flammability of 3-D Printed Polymers – Composition and Geometry Factors
Stefan M. Kraft, Brian Y. Lattimer, and Christopher B. Williams
(page 2407)
Complex Functional Surface Design for Additive Manufacturing
S.J. Morris, J.P.R. Dudman, L. Körner, P. Melo, L.H. Newton, and A.T. Clare
(page 2423)
A Model for Residual Stress and Part Warpage Prediction in Material Extrusion with Application to Polypropylene
N. Watanabe, M.L. Shofner, N. Treat, and D.W. Rosen
(page 2437)
3D Printing in the Wild: A Preliminary Investigation of Air Quality in College Maker Spaces
Bill McDonnell, Xavier Jimenez Guzman, Matthew Dolack, Timothy W. Simpson, and John M. Cimbala
(page 2456)
Finishing of Additively Manufactured Metal Parts by Abrasive Flow Machining
Xuanping Wang, Shichong Li, Youzhi Fu, and Hang Gao
(page 2470)